Infinite Multiverse Part 1

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Multiverses may or may not exist, but in this story, they do. Imagine a dimension where there are only animals. They communicate, walk, and think similar to humans. They are also extremely powerful, as even some of the weaker animals can destroy cities, mountains, and more. The average strength level, such as chimpanzees, orangutans, and cheetahs can destroy planets. The above average, like wolves and coyotes can range from destroying stars to solar systems and galaxies. And the strongest, such as powerful apex predators can well, destroy universes, and the top 3 strongest, first elephants, second rhinos, and 3rd hippos, can even destroy multiverses, An infinite amount to be precise, and that's only counting land animals. The animals in this universe can also run very fast, Even the mosquito, which is only as strong as an athlete, can run as fast as a jet plane. Cheetahs can run quintillions of times the speed of light, rhinos and hippos octillions of times the speed of light, and elephants can even run undecillions of times the speed of light. These animals also have impressive lifting strength. Chimpanzees could lift 400 tons on average, gorillas could lift 2,000 tons, lions could lift 5,000 tons, hippos could lift 7,000 tons, rhinos could lift 8,000 tons, and elephants are so strong they could lift the entire universe if they wanted to. Similar to real life, dinosaurs also at one point existed. The dinosaurs, of course were also extremely powerful. At one point, a giant meteor was coming To earth, and was not only gonna destroy the planet, or solar system, not even just the universe, it was gonna destroy at least a few hundred multiverses. Luckily the orangutans at the time, or at least their ancestors, created a suit to not only stop the meteor and weaken it, but keep it to experiment and run tests on it. Unfortunately, one of the orangutans made a tiny mistake, causing the suit to create a universe, transfer all life on earth and the meteor to it, and self destruct, destroying every thing in the universe, including the universe itself. Going back to current times, there is also a king, a lion known as king Jones. He also has his best friend and assistant, Grey the elephant. They have known each other for 37 years, when king Jones was 8 and Grey was 18. Grey is very tall, 12 feet tall to be exact. Other animals include king Jones wife, sam, his two sons, tank and Lionel, and one of the rhino soldiers, known as soldier. There is also a hippo virtually no one would go near, not even the king: Purple the hippo. Purple the hippo is extremely vicious, and once killed a 4 year old hippo that thought he was cool due to the natural aggression of a hippo, and has killed at least 200 people as of 2020. Because he is a hippo he is very strong, and could destroy multiverses with little to no difficulty. He is also very tall, precisely 6'8. He also weighs at least a million pounds. He is also 51 years old. In 1994, when Jones was about 19, he was only a year away from being king, when greys father, ethiest, decided to poison josher, Jones fathers drink as he secretly hated working for him due to how vain He was. Josher was very old, so his body was weak, and he unfortunately died. On the bright side, a month after the funeral, since King Jones was an adult, he could be king. There is also stripes, a tiger that is basically Jones rival, as they fought occasionally, And it is usually 50/50 chance he or Jones would win. Lastly for now, there is orange, who to say the least is a genius, and has helped Jones on multiple occasions.

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