Infinite Multiverse Part 3

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In another universe, there is a man known as john, a 22 year old man living in macsville, when he saw a poster saying: "Want a million dollars? go to the mayors office to get the secret candy to give to the mayor of a place called "Candyland". John, Loving money to no end, goes to the office, gets the secret candy that is in a letter, and is about to go when the mayor stops him. "Wait! I forgot to tell you about the creatures that may attack you on your journey, and because of that, I am not only going to give you a special knife that's stronger than a sword, but I will get you a personal swordsman to train you for at least a month. "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           John agreed, and they trained for about 4 months, and by that time, John had grown and had gain some fighting experience, and was ready to start his journey to give the secret candy to the mayor, unsure of why, but still determined. While on his quest, he met a very friendly skeleton "Hello there! My name is Pricer! Pricer the skeleton!" He said. "uh... well hello. My name is john." He said. "You interested in joining my adventure?" John asked. "Well sure!" Pricer said. They then went on there adventure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  While on there adventure, they met a giant octopus with rabies, and is insanely deformed, having angry eyebrows, and looking insanely derpy, and cartoony. It was the size of a building. The creature attacked john, and hurt him a bit. "ow." John said, with a now hurt arm. "Come on, John! You can do it!" Pricer encouraged. John then pulled out his knife stabs the octopus. The creature screams in sheer agony and attacks, which john, actually prepared this time, dodges the attack. John then Was able to succeed cutting off the savage beasts tentacle, making him only have 7. The octopus screams so loud, johns ears almost bleed, and he run away, presumably back to the ocean.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Phew." John said. "How the heck did an octopus get here, anyway?" John asked. "Well, this world we live on has many randomness and absurdness." Pricer explained. "Ok, I guess." John said. They then continue there adventure. There then was a cat driving a helicopter. "I don't like using helicopters anymore, Im just gonna play the saxophone." The cat said. He than landed and left the helicopter, going back home to use the saxophone in his garage from 30 years ago. "Wow! how convenient." John said, as they were aching for transportation. "Wait, I don't know how to fly a helicopter!" John said. "Neither do I." Pricer said. They then leave the helicopter and continue the adventure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             They then started seeing lollipops. "Woah, lollipops? We must be close!" John exclaimed. "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Pricer said. They then ran into the land, and were instantly able to find the mayor, as he was out for a walk. "Oh, hello there!" The mayor said. "You two must be here to give me the secret candy." "Yep." John said. He gave it to the mayor. "Thank you." The mayor said. "Now we can give it to the great candy god." "The Great candy god?" John asked. "Yes, if we give him this special candy, he will not blow up earth." The mayor explained.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Hmm, He doesn't seem to be the best entity." John said. "Maybe we shouldn't trust him, and fight him." "We cant do that, john! you don't know him well! you haven't even met him!" Pricer said. "He plans to destroy earth if we don't give him what he wants! Isn't that extortion or something?" John said. "Maybe, but all we have to do is just give him the candy, and we're safe, its that simple!" Pricer said. "Well, I don't think we should trust someone so destructive." John said. Suddenly at that moment, a purple monster with candy on him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Greetings." The creature said. "Do you have the secret candy?" "Yes I do." The mayor said. Right when he was about to give the monster the candy, john jumped right in front of him. "Stop right there, villain!" John exclaimed. "If you want the candy, your gonna have to get through me!" "What are you doing, boy?" The mayor asked. "Not letting him get what he wants!" John shouted. He then hit him with his knife, but it didn't even scratch him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "Hm. how pathetic." The creature said. "I could destroy this planet with only one attack, What makes you think a mortal like you stands a chance against me, the candy god. You are lucky god created me to protect earth." The monster said. "Huh?" John said. "Then why did you threaten to destroy earth if we didn't give you what you wanted?" John asked. "I have a very sick sense of humour." The Monster said. He then started to chuckle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "Well I am on my way to eat this candy. I hope to see you again, mayor." The creature said. "I hope to see you again, Great candy god." The mayor said. The creature then left. John then turned to pricer. "Hey, pricer, Im sorry I didn't believe you, I should've trusted you." John apologized. "No, You had a good point, he did threaten to destroy earth, just imagine that terror." Pricer said. "Even if he was willing to spare earth, he did still put destroying it in consideration. Good thing he was joking." "Wanna go home with me?" John asked. "Sure, I didn't really have a home anyway." Pricer said. They then went back home and lived happily. The mayor was so happy that he decided he was going to help john and pricer anytime they wished, and because of that, they both got helicopter lessons.

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