Infinite Multiverse Part 8

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In another universe, there consists of animals and human on this earth. There are also 4 children, all born in 1988.  They are going to be chosen at random to become the protectors of earth, and possibly even the universe against villains. There is Author, an anteater that was called author because his parents assumed he was gonna be an author like them,  only for him to want to become an artist later on, which his parents are fine with. There is also Barry, a gecko that loves food, and is going to become Authors best friend in kindergarten. There is also Alex, a very intelligent penguin that will also befriend both Author and Barry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 There is also Sheldon, a Grizzly bear that, even when he was 5 months old, lifted an african elephant with one hand with little effort when he and his family were at the zoo, and he becomes stronger later on.  a month after Sheldons birth, an evil wizard from space hated grizzly bears, thinking they looked stupid, and summoned a small asteroid that could destroy an entire population, and it was heading for the grizzly bears. Luckily for Sheldon, his parents gave him to a panda couple that came to america 2 years before Sheldon was born, and the pandas took him in as their own. The grizzly bears died, and Sheldon is the remaining grizzly bear.  8 years later, in 1996, a spirit summoned these children to a secret base, telling them they have been chosen at random of all the people in woodland city,  which is a one in a thousand chance, due to there being 3,000 people in the city.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    They were then given their costumes, while also being gifted powers, with the exception of Sheldon, and although Alex was given tons of gadgets and tech, he was given a bit of power: the ability to shoot energy, but he was the weakest of the team anyway. He can also survive the coldest tempatures. Authors glasses were also modified to allow him to shoot laser visions from them, while also having decent strength,  and Barry was given the ability to eat through almost anything, that includes metal.  Barry also was given Superspeed, making him fast enough to dodge bullets, and he is also faster than bullets. They then decide to give themselves superhero names. Author called himself Vision Shooter, Barry called himself The Speedy Glutton, Alex called himself Cold Brains, and Sheldon called himself Bear Brawns.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The spirit then informed the heros that their parents already know about all of this, thanks to him explaining it to them. They then started their training, and after, they sort of got the hang of it, but then they were alerted of trouble, and the spirit told the other superheros that might try to fight to not do so to let the new heros fight. They decided to call themselves the Power Force. They then rushed over to find the villainous rabbit known as Dusty. Dusty can put dust on people, temporarily blinding them for 20 seconds. He can also run 100mph, and that is not even his max speed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Since it was their first fight, it was pretty tough. Dusty was able to use his dust to temporarily both Author and Sheldon, but Alex was wearing sun glasses that shielded him from the dust, and Barry easily dodged it. Alex then used a robotic hand to grab Dusty, and Barry then licked the dust off of Author and Sheldons eyes. He then licked the all the dust off of Dusty, and when Dusty was able to break free of the robotic hands grip, Sheldon punched him in the face and continued to beat the living daylights out of him until he surrenders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dusty was then arrested, and they continued to do other heroic acts, both big and small. A month later,  a group of russian terrorists sended a nuke that was going to destroy Woodland city, as it was first on their list of cities to destroy. Luckily, Sheldon took the nuke, and shoved it down Barrys throat, and it exploded in Barrys stomach, but he was perfectly fine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      24 years later, the Power force are all 32 years old, and while they still fight crime, they also have personal lives. Author fulfilled his career of becoming an artist, and has a wife he married in 2009, and a kid he had a year later. Barry decided to get a pet kitten, and he named it Pie. Barry at this point, is also fast enough to go back in time, meaning they no longer had to use the time machine Alex created. Alex works as a scientist, and he has also married, but they have decided to not have kids. Sheldon lives with Barry, and he is a professional  boxer, and can lift 600 tons with minimum effort.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     They just do what they do, fight bad guys, live their lives, doing things friends do. They are the Power Force.                                                                                            

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