Infinite Multiverse Part 7

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In another universe, there consists of monster creatures, animals, and humans co-existing with one another. One  is a cyan turtle known as Elmer. He is a very  kind and friendly creature, and is 4 years old. He has many friends,  such as Rover, a funny squid who is also a superhero known as Super Squid. There is also Twatta,  a friendly emu who loves seeing new people, and also likes to read books. There is also Kabra, a Fairy who is Elmers best friend. She is 3 years older than him.  There is also Count Dracula. He Loves literature, even having a degree in english literature and one in russian literature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    There is also Snuggy, a giraffe that is best friends with Twatta, and they have known eachother since 1980 when they were only a few weeks old. There is also Grumpy, a racoon that lives in a trashcan, and is, well, grumpy. Grumpy isn't very fond of people, he does however love his raccoon girlfriend that is a non-talking racoon, but Grumpy loves her dearly.  Finally, there is veggie monster, a monster with an extreme love for vegetables, especially apples. They all live in a place known as Peppertown, a place where people of all ages have fun every day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  One day, Veggie Monster seemed off, as his eyes were red instead of black. his skin was a darker shade of orange, and his eyes were cross-eyed. He walked over to Elmer who was playing jump rope. "Woulds the elmer  have apple?" Veggie monster said in his broken english due to him being only 6, and him only being in America in a year, as he originated from Germany. "Why of course, Veggie Monster!" Elmer said. Veggie then gave Elmer the apple, and he ate it. But what Elmer did not know was  the apple turned people evil,  as he was secretly evil.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 In fact, "Veggie Monster" was just a charade, a fake persona. His true name is Stanbloq, and he is an alien from the planet Spurglag. He works for someone known as Master Puppet, and is actually 1,780 years old, not 6. But he has indeed been on earth for only a year, but he pretends to have broken english to keep up the charade, and he was actually tought full english by Master puppet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              After Elmer ate the apple, he of course became evil. He also automatically became Veggie monsters minion, as that is what the apple does. Veggie Monster then orders Elmer to kill everyone in Peppertown, and Elmer agrees to do it, and Veggie Monster gives Elmer various different weapons to do the mission, and after he left, Master Puppet appears. he started to laugh, and Veggie monster joined him. Master Puppet was so happy as it would feel so good to know both kids, and adults will be killed by a 4 year old turtle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               He decides to start with Kabra, and he asks if she wants to play a game, and she agrees. Elmer tells her to close her eyes, and she does. Elmer then pulls out a knife, and stabs her throat, killing her instantly. He then took her wand, and using the only spell he knew, which is teleportation due to the apple allowing him to keep vary important information in his head, and used the teleportation spell to go to Twatta's nest, where he was with his children as a single father, as his lover unfortunately died of natural causes 3 minutes after the children hatched. Twatta is reading a book about flying.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Instead of tricking him like with Kabra, Elmer simply stabbed Twatta 10 times, and he died after the 5th stab. Right when he was about to kill Twattas babies, he saw the fear in their eyes, and he decided to hide them in his shell. He then went to Rover, and he used a rope to squeeze him to death. He also went to snuggy, throwing a knife at his head,  cutting it off. He also used a flamethrower to burn grumpy and his body, leaving nothing but charred dust afterwards.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      He also went to Count Draculas castle, giving him a pizza with alot of garlic on it, and lying to him when he asked if it had garlic on it. He also killed multiple people. There was also Bartholomew and Artie,  two guys  that are both 25 years old, and have known eachother since they were 10, and have recently moved into Peppertown, knowing almost none of the residence there. Elmer broke into their house at night, and smothered Artie with a pillow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All of the screaming from Artie woke up Bartholomew, and Elmer knocked him out with a crowbar.  When Bartholomew woke up, he had a massive headache, and woke up to see Elmers reptilian face. They were in a random shack Elmer found. Elmer calls the shack his "Lair." He then shows Bartholomew Arties decapitated head. "No... NO! ARTIE!" He shouted. He then started crying. "Why, Why did you do this? What did I, or Artie do to you?" "Nothing." Elmer responded. "Im just doing my job." Bartholomew then begged for Elmer to kill him, and he agreed, but he did it very slowly, and eventually he killed him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    He then went back to Veggie Monster after killing everyone in Peppertown, and Veggie Monster then uses a button he has, and it blows up Peppertown, as the button blows up any town without life in it. After that, Master Puppet apeared, and the apple Elmer ate already gave him information about Master Puppet, and he explained his plan to kill everyone that inhabits earth. He also explains that this is a way to wait until his plan with an old friend of his has been set up entirely. They then leave, to search for more victims.

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