Infinite Multiverse Part 5

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Dr. Leafio, satisfied with his accomplishment, hopped into the portal coming from his machine, where he then ended up into Super Q's dimension, and the place he was transferred to was the wilderness.   The noise from the portal woke up a mother bear and her cub, and when she noticed Dr. Leafio, she roared loudly and was about to hit Dr. Leafio  with her claw when Dr. Leafio simply shot one of his weakest leaf attacks, which was able to knock her out. After the mother was knocked out, the cub looked at her and waited for her to wake up when Leafio had an idea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Hmmm...  Maybe I could have the cub as a sort of a sidekick!" Leafio thought. "Im sure hes too stupid to understand whats going on! " He then pulled out a bear treat he had in his leafy pocket-like ribs and gave it to the cub. It tasted so good, that The bear instantly liked Dr. Leafio, and started to lick him.  Dr. Leafio, happy that he took the bait then used one of his small machines to zap the bear cub with it. It told and showed him horrific events that never happened that were fabricated by Dr. leafio fabricated, such as two planes crashing into the forest, causing fire all across the forest,  dead woodland animals lying everywhere. A man then walked into the destroyed forest, and started to laugh, and there was one bear left with her cub, and the man pulled out a gun and shot the mother 10 times. He then beat the now orphan bear cub to a bloody pulp, within an inch of his life, and then shot himself with his gun, knowing he wouldnt get out in time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    During this time, Dr. leafio pulled out one of his vines, stabbed out the cubs eye as the cubs nervous system shut down, making him temporarily unable to feel pain due to Dr. leafios machine. He then used a machine of his that can heal more minor injuries and then put an eyepatch on him, believing this would make him more menacing. After the experience the cub had was done, the cub was so traumatized that he did not care for his inability to see out of one of his eyes, as he now hated humans.                                                                                                                               "Yes! now you see how horrid humanity is!" Dr. Leafio exclaimed. "Your name is now Scruffy, and you will be my sidekick!" The cub, still admiring Dr. Leafio licked him again. "Now! I shall  train you, and teach you the basics!" Dr. leafio said.                                                                                               They then trained by doing mugging, robbing, etc. And during that time, Scruffy has mastered being a villain, at least a basic villain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         They now have the plan to rob the biggest bank, with sextillions of dollars,  with robotic guards thanks to Robert creating a few for the government. It was 1:00 Am at night.  Dr leafio used a powerful leaf attack, which obliterated all of the guards. He then told Scruffy to be lookout for him.  Robert was then looking through the flying surveillance cameras that monitor Yecose city at night.                                                                                                                                    Robert then saw Scruffy believing it was suspicious. Robert then called Super Q, and told him about it, so Super Q rushed over there in a Nanosecond, as the bank was only 20 miles from where there at. Robert followed along, but due to being far slower, it took about 2 minutes for him to make there. He then asked Scruffy  what he was doing, and the evil bear roared, as he did not  speak english. Super Q decided to go into the bank to see if anything happened, and saw Dr leafio taking the money, and this reminded him of the time Dr. Cheese sended his henchmen to kill everyone in the bank as apart of his plan of making people suffer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            At this point, just thinking about Dr. Cheese made Super Q cringe. He hated him. He hated him for what he did to his friends, as they were his remaining family. Not only that, but he lost his arm. What that tyrannical rodent did was not only unforgivable, but it has affected him  horribly to say the least, and will affect him for the rest of his life. In fact, every time he saw a rat or  a mouse, he would brutally murder it, and only when Robert was around would he not do so, but only because Robert stopped him.  Dr. leafio, assuming Super Q is a hero due to his costume, Shot a powerful leaf attack, knowing he is most likely strong, but this attack did nothing to him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                You see, there is a massive gap of power between Super Q and Dr. Leafio,  and nothing Dr. Leafio could do could make Super Q flinch, and in a feeling of memory from his suffering caused by Dr. Cheese, he punched Dr. Leafio, and if he used even a very very small percentage of his power, he would have killed him.  Dr. Leafio went flying and crashed through a wall, bloody and battered. "People like you shouldn't cause problems for this world." Super Q said. "I havent seen you before, so I guess your from another country, or maybe a  planet, or  even another universe? Me and my friend Robert did that like, 36 years ago."                                                                                                                                                                                Right when he was about to kill Dr. Leafio Robert stopped him. "Wait! Super Q!" Robert exclaimed. "Hes not worth killing. If he was a bigger threat, however, I suppose it would make some sense, but you have to stop killing villains just because you think everyone who has done bad cannot be redeemed."  Super Q sighed, and decided to spare Dr leafio.                                                                                                         Just then, Scruffy started to bite Super Q's leg, but this had no effect. Super Q then yawned. "Alright, imma go to the nearest McRonalds to go get myself a large burger. I still can't believe they are open 24/7." He then flew off to go get the Burger, while Robert dealt with the bear cub, and Robert only had a few scratches after. After Dr. Leafio told Robert that their not from his dimension, He created a machine that sends people to their original dimension is, but if their original dimension was destroyed, or could not be located, it would self destruct, leaving a small explosion, a feature Robert did not know about when creating the machine. If more than 1 person gets transported to the original dimension of the other person getting sent there, and its not their original universe, they get to go there anyway.                                                                                                                                                                                        After he sent them back to Dr. Leafio's dimension where Dr. Leafio then used his machine to heal his and Scruffy's wounds, and.decided that he was going to go to another dimension in hopes of something different happening. While He was doing that, Super Q was talking to Robert about having a child. Robert suggested a surrogate, as that would be easier than getting a significant other. Super Q was able to find a Surrogate mother, paying 2,000 dollars for it. Super Q has the ability to create both a sperm and an egg, as the aliens who gave his ancestors super powers also had that ability. The birth only took 2 months, due to Super Qs ability to make childbirth faster if he were to impregnate someone.                                                                                                                                                     After the birth, He named the child Quentin Jr., a name Robert considered a little too  vain of Super Q, but decided not to bother, as he is now an uncle.                                                         

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