Infinite Multiverse Part 4

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In the universe in the last part, there lives a leafy frog creature known as Dr. leafio. Leafio was born on March 8, 1973, making him 47 as of 2020. Dr. leafio is an evil genius, and has committed many heinous acts, such as robbing a bank, mugging a young woman, and many other villainous acts he did in the late 90's. In 2015, after killing a man who owed him money, he decided to retire from doing bad things and settle down for a while, but 5 years later he got bored of this and decided he was going to do at least one thing evil again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       When he was walking down the street, he saw john, someone he has never met before. "Hmmm... he could make an excellent victim!" Dr. Leafio thought to himself. Then John looked at Dr. Leafio. "Hey, isn't that the evil frog thing? I haven't heard of him  in 5 years!" John thought. Dr. Leafio then pulled out a bat-shaped, bat-sized leaf and knocked John out with it. He then left a note that said: "MUAHAHA! I, Dr. Saurus B. Leafio, have captured someone you may or may not know, and you can find us at 900, rainbow street, but be aware who you are dealing with! HAHAHAHA!" When walking down the street where John walked to look for him, Pricer then found the note Leafio left.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Oh no! I must tell the mayor! He the rushed to the mayor to tell him what happened, and The Mayor, too was shocked, and decided to give him one of his unicorns to help him. Since Dr. Leafio already gave away the location, The unicorn easily found it, as he was at least 100x faster than a cheetah. When they got there, Pricer Used his raw strength, which is strong enough to bust through a wall, to break down a door in a single punch. They then saw Dr. Leafio Laughing while John in stuck in a cage tied up in vines with a leaf stuck on his mouth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "Hey! Let John go, now!" Pricer shouted at Leafio. "Id rather not." Dr. Leafio said. "Then how about we fight?" Pricer asked. "I doubt a skeleton like you could do anything." "Oh yeah?" Pricer then shot a magic beam at Leafio, which was relatively weak, but still knocked Dr. Leafio to the green, leafy wall. "That was pretty good." Leafio said. "But how about THIS!" He then shot a powerful leaf attack at Pricer, which hurt him pretty bad. They then Fought for 10 minutes Until Dr. Leafio successfully knocked out Pricer. "Yes!" Leafio said. "VICTORY IS MINE! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Then suddenly, The unicorn Pricer rode hit a relatively injured and tired Dr. leafio out with Her hoof. "Random Unicorn I have never met! You saved us!" John exclaimed. The unicorn then left hooked the cage, shattering it. John then ran over to a bruised and battered Pricer and woke him up. "Huh? JOHN! ITS YOU!" Pricer exclaimed. "Yeah, thanks to that unicorn." John said. "Can we keep him?" Pricer asked. "I mean, its a big responsibility."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "Oh, come on, please?" Pricer said, giving him nonexsistent puppy dog eyes. "Oh alright." "YAY!" Pricer exclaimed. "Il just go ask the mayor, and we can go home!" "But first, could you tell me something?" John asked. "Why did you never tell me you had magical powers and stuff?" "Well, Im not exactly sure." Pricer responded. I just remember getting them 18 years ago, when I came back to life as a skeleton. I haven't used these powers in 16 years."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Wow." John said. "So you were a human?" "Yeah, a day before I became a skeleton, it was my 35th birthday." Pricer said.  "and I had a wife and a 4 year old kid." "Man, Im sorry that this happened to you." John said sadly. "Its alright Ill be fine." Pricer said. "Now, how about we go to see the mayor about the unicorn?" Pricer asked. "Sure, buddy!" John agreed. They then went to ask about the unicorn.                                                                                                                                                           While they were doing that, Dr. leafio woke up from his slumber, and when he did, he started to laugh. "Those fools! I shall have my revenge one day!" He grumbled. "Oh well, time to continue to work on my invention. Right after I heal my wounds with my machine of course!" After he healed himself, he started to work on this project. "Finally It is complete!" He exclaimed. "I wonder where I will be taken to. MuahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!"

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