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Tubbo POV:

im in the forest next to snowchester,looking for berries and cows then see something in the corner of my eye.
"what is that?" asked myself.
its creature, its out cold and shivering near lake. One of its feet were in the lake. went to go get closer look and its heart beat wasn't very strong.
" have to get it in my house" said softly so wouldn't wake it up.
It was tall so it was difficult to drag it to my house and to put him inside. When put them near the fire place, noticed that the leg that was in the lake was injured badly.
quickly went to go get the first aid kit to wrap the leg in bandages.
When was done went to go get thick and soft blankets so he could warm up by the fire. When finished with that made some mushroom soup and baked patatoes with steak.
while later after watching them went to go get blanket to sleep on the sofa just in case if he wakes up.

178 words

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