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- the next morning-

Tubbo POV:

woke up on the floor, and was cuddling them. It felt nice cuddling someone.
"hey didn't get to ask but, what's your name? I'm Tubbo!"
"oh, i'm Ranboo"
we both just stared at each other and it was very akward-
"Sooo... Ranboo, what do you want for breakfast?"
"Well, what is there to eat?"
"Uhm, well there left over soup do you want that?"
heated up the soup above the fire. After it heated up put it in bowl and gave it to them.
knew they liked the soup becuase of yesterday. Or maybe he was just really hungry.
put the bowl on the table and helped them get up. It was pretty hard since they are tall and lanky, also had to do most of the work to get them to the table sice they can't really walk.
After they ate brought them to the sofa to change their bandages.
went to go get the first aid kit and put on new bandages. They winced few times, so tried to not make it painful.
The entire time they was staring and me, but didnt mind.
When finished looked up and their eyes were beautiful, blushed bit so looked down again.
They put their hand over my head to get my hair off of my eyes. They looked at my eyes for while and they started purring, their eyes dilated as if  cat saw toy.
gently grabbed Ranboo's hand and put it down. My hair fell to my eyes so couldnt see as clearly anymore.
Ranboo looked annoyed since let my hair fall onto my face. They pouted and giggled.
They put their head on my shoulder and went to sleep. put my head on theirs and went to sleep as well.

*srry havent posted school's been kicking my ass (':

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