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Ranboo POV:

⟟ woke up by the sound of the door closing from downstairs.

⟟ felt my face burning. ⟟ touched my face and ⟟ was crying.

'what the heck?'  ⟟ thought.

⟟ Heard Tubbo comeing up the stairs.

He opened the door and looked annoyed but he was smiling.

"⟟ found some clothes" he mumbled.

Tubbo gave my the clothing and walked out so ⟟ could change.

⟟ undressed and put on the new clothes.

"They fit" ⟟ said shrugging happily.

"You can come inside again if you want" ⟟ said to Tubbo.

He opened the door and and smiled.

"⟟ new they would fit"  He said.

"Totally" ⟟ said rolling my eyes.

Tubbo looked at my pillow and then back at me.

"Were you crying?"  He asked.

"Yeah but ⟟ dont know why though. When you left ⟟ went to sleep and my dream was so wierd, it was

like ⟟ was there before."

"where were you?"

"⟟ dont know but it was so familiar"

"well lets forget about it for now and write the letter to Philza he might help you."

"Philza?" ⟟ asked

" Oh yeah Phil is my dad. He found me in a forest sleeping in a box."

"Oh"  ⟟ said surprised.

Tubbo walked over to the desk and pulled out some papers and a pencil.

⟟ took the papers and grabbed the cane to walk over to the desk.

"What should ⟟ write?"

" Uhm you should write ' Hi Phil how are you? its been ⟟ while since i've talked to you. Can you come

over to my house with a first aid kit, it's an emergency.'"

my writing was messy but you could read it.

⟟ finished writing it and gave it to Tubbo.

He walked out the door and a few minutes later he came back with a crow.

He put a tie around it carfully and put the letter inside of the tie.

He whispered something to the crow and put the crow outside of a window and then it flew away.

"The letter is on its way to Phil." He said with a smile.

⟟ smiled back and walked over to the bed and sat down. Tubbo came over to sit next to me.

He lied down on my lap and grinned.

⟟ could my face burn red velvet so ⟟ turned away.

Tubbo giggled at my blushing face.

⟟ pouted and then ⟟ felt something on the tip of my nose.

He booped me.

How dare he boop my precious nose.

⟟ looked down at him, annoyed, and then he smirked.

He booped me again.

⟟ got angry and booped him back.

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