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Tubbo POV:

TW: a bit of anxiety
~The next morning~

woke up and ⟟ found Ranboo on the floor leaning on the sofa, they were sleeping.

patted them on the head to let them know that it was morning.

⟟ startled them and ⟟ made them jump.

Ranboo looked at me annoyed since ⟟ woke them up.

"What is it?" They asked sleepily.

"did you forget that you want to walk?"

Their ears shot up and smiled. Ranboo tried to stand up and leaned on the sofa in the process to not fall over.

⟟ quickly got up so ⟟ could catch them in case they fell.

⟟ went to go put on a coat and looked for a bigger coat to put on Ranboo but ⟟ couldn't find any.

"Sorry big man but I couldn't find a coat that was your size."

"It's fine I'm sorta used to the cold" They said with a shrug.

⟟ carried Ranboo outside and they were so exited that they were trying to go beyond my reach.

"Calm down boss man, you need to take it slowly or your gonna get hurt."

"But ⟟ wanna go into the forest again!" They said with an exited tone.

"Why are you so desperate though?" ⟟ asked.

Ranboo froze in their tracks and started to look around.

It seemed as they remembered about something.

"where is it?!" They muttered.

"where's what?" ⟟ asked with confusion.

Ranboo looked at me anxiously and said, "Did you see bag with a book inside that says 'Do not read'?" They were fidgeting with their fingers causing me to worry a bit.

"Yes? Why, do you need it?" ⟟ asked. At this point ⟟ haven't been more confused in my life.

" Can you go get it for me?" They said, Ranboo was practically begging on their knees.

"⟟- sure but why do you need it now, you still have to recover from your injury." I said, still confused.

"that- that's true...but I want to see if the pages were ripped." They looked away as if they were trying to keep something from me.

⟟ sighed and said, "okay, lets go back inside so you don't freeze to death."

⟟ sat him down on the sofa and Ranboo was still fidgeting with their fingers.

"Here you are big man." ⟟ gave Ranboo the bag and they quickly took out to book, they were flipping through the pages, I'm assuming that they were checking if any pages were ripped.

⟟ heard Ranboo sigh in relief.

There was an awkward silence between us.

"So.. do you want to do something?" It was the first thing that popped into my head.

"Well do you have any friends that we could go to?"

⟟ looked at Ranboo and said "You would really think that we could go to one of my friends house? There are two reasons why we can't go: One is that your leg is injured badly, two is that if they see you then they are gonna get scared when they see your height no one has ever seen a person that tall, unless it was and enderman are you an enderman?"

"Uh, I'm half enderman. the thing that ⟟ don't know is what my other half is, it's not a human and I'm sure that's kind of oblivious since no human is that white."

⟟ looked at their skin, astonished.

"Maybe ⟟ could send a letter to someone ⟟ know so we could try to figure out what your other half is."

"Uh s-sure?"


593 words yay :]

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