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TW:slight cursing

Ranboo POV:

woke up in completely different place.
"Where am ?" thought,
winced by the pain that felt in my leg, looked at it and saw some bandages then looked back up and saw person sleeping on the couch. He sleeps like baby goat and his snoring is so soft it's kinda cute.
noticed he had some scars on his face but they looked healed. leaned closer to him and lightly touched his scars, and he moved his head little so backed away bit.
just stared at him while he was sleeping, he looked so calm but worried.
He started to move into more comfortable position and panicked becuase thought he was gonna wake up. forgot about the pain in my leg and tried to get up. screeched by the amounts of pain that felt then fell. He immediately woke up looking terrified by my screech.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" His yell echoed around the house.
He looked down and saw me yelling in pain, tears fell down my face burning my cheeks but it didnt hurt as much as my leg. He sat next to me and put blanket around me.
"You alright? Are you hungry?"
he asked with comforting voice but with worry, could see in his eyes.
My stomach grumbled "Y-yes.. sort of"
wiped the tears from my face so wouldnt get burnt any longer.
He got up and got me some soup that was left over.
"Here you are" He gave me the bowl and smiled.
"Thank you.." took bite out of the soup and before knew it, was licking the the bowl by how good the soup was.
"You liked the soup a lot huh" 
nodded in responce, still licking the bowl.
He started patting my head, then flinched. took my head out of the bowl with my tongue still out.
He started giggling becuase of that, started giggling as well, didnt really feel the pain on my leg after ate.
We both stared the fire and soon enough, we were cuddling as we were sleeping.

345 words

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