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Ranboo POV:

⟟ woke up and my head was on Tubbo's lap, he was stroking my head and ⟟ was purring.
His hair was out of his face so ⟟ could see his eyes.

⟟ blushed a bit so ⟟ turned my head to look away.

" Are you hungry?" he asked.

"N-no, not really" ⟟ responded, still looking away.

⟟ sat up looking at the floor. ⟟ saw my leg and ⟟ pouted because ⟟ couldn't walk.

"⟟ wanna walk again." ⟟ complained,

"You can't walk and you know that. Maybe tomorrow?"

⟟ nodded happily knowing that ⟟ will be able to roam free in the forest again.

⟟ looked outside and smiled as if ⟟ was a two year old getting a gift for their birthday.

⟟ lied down on Tubbo's lap again to feel some comfort.

⟟ could tell he didn't mind since he started to stroke my hair again.

⟟ purred and then Tubbo giggled since ⟟ was practically vibrating on his lap.

He kept stroking my hair until ⟟ fell asleep.

                                                         ~2 hours later~

⟟ woke up hugging Tubbo, he was asleep.

⟟ was still purring, ⟟ could feel my face turn pink since ⟟ was practically on top of him.

⟟ wanted to move but he looked so peaceful and his snoring was so soft it sounded like a puppy snoring.

⟟ just watched him sleep all though ⟟ wanted to talk to him, learn more about him.

⟟ carefully tried to get up and ⟟ heard him groan. ⟟ panicked a bit but still attempted to get up.

When ⟟ sat up and sighed without waking him up.

⟟ crawled onto the floor and look at his scars on his face.

they have a very interesting pattern. ⟟ touched the scars and then he scrunched up his nose.

⟟  giggled  because of how he looked like.

⟟ wanted to boop  him but ⟟ didn't want to risk waking him up so instead ⟟ watched the fire crackle and eventually ⟟ fell asleep.

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