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A/N I'm mentioning this now because yes ;x;    I don't put chapter titles for two reasons: I don't have name ideas and I'm too lazy to come up with any

anyway enjoy this chapter :)

3rd person POV:

Ranboo was staring at the ceiling thinking about what they said, they have been there for 15 minutes processing what they said.

Ranboo sat up, but too quickly.

"Ohhh... Goddd holyyy shii-oot"

Ranboo closed their eyes so the headache could go away.

They looked around to see what was close enough to lean on so they could walk.

Ranboo got distracted by the food on the dresser.

They started to purr because of the smell, and the food was still warm.

Ranboo started to look around urgently so they could get the food, a few seconds later they found a cane.

'why does Tubbo have a cane?' Ranboo thought, they ignored that thought and used it anyway.

They hopped to the plate and was looking for a chair to sit in and soon enough, the found a stool.

Ranboo started to purr again and drooled since the food looked so good.

They ate so fast that they practically inhaled it.

Ranboo got full for the first time in a while, they forgot what the side affects were when you got full.

They tiredly hopped over to the bed and plopped on it carefully so they wouldn't hurt their leg.

soon enough they fell asleep.

~oOoooHhH dreaming time~

Ranboo POV:

⟟ woke up in.. my bed?

'why is this place so familiar?'

an enderman walked into my room "⍜⊑ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⏃⍙⏃☍⟒, ⍾⎍⟒⟒⋏ ----- ⏁⍜⌰⎅ ⋔⟒ ⏁⍜ ⍙⏃☍⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⎍⌿ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏚⍀⟒⏃☍⎎⏃⌇⏁."

(translation: oh your awake, Queen --- told me to wake you up to get ready for breakfast.)

⟟ got up, confused and looked around.

⟟ saw some closet doors and walked over to them.

⟟ opened the doors and changed.

'these clothes are really fancy.' ⟟ thought.

⟟ walked over to the mirror on my wall and ⟟ was smaller that usual- way smaller, ⟟ also looked younger, but⟟ ignored that.

I got out of my room and the hall was EXTREMELY fancy.

I'm pretty sure that my pupils dilated to its maximum state.

I walked down the hallway and I'm not sure how I knew the way the dining table but I let that pass through my head.

I sat down at the dining table and I saw two women.

one was an enderman and one was a rabbit.

(I know his other half isn't a rabbit but screw you)

"Good morning my little prince." The enderman said kindly,

I'm assuming that they are both my moms since they are both dressed nicely, they have wedding rings and they are both holding hands.

"good morning Mother." I said.

The chef came and put our breakfast on the table.

I wanted to see what their faces looked like but they were blurry, I'm pretty sure that they are beautiful though.

~small time skip~

I finished eating and I was gonna get up when my mom said,

"how did you sleep Ranboo?"

Her voice was beautiful, I wish I could see her clearly though.

" I slept well mom." I responded.

"How was yours?" I asked, sitting back down on my chair.

"It was nice." She said while a smile.

My ears perked up a bit because I heard yelling.

my ears were droopy like my mom's since she was a rabbit.

Guards were entering the dining room panting.

"⋔⊬ ☌⎍⟒⟒⋏⌇! ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⍀⟒ ⟟⋏⏁⍀⎍⎅⟒⍀⌇ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ☊⏃⌇⏁⌰⟒!"

(translation: My queens! there are intruders in the castle!)

my mom's looked at each other, and I'm sure they were exchanging worried looks, then they looked at me then the guard.

"⏁⏃☍⟒ ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⌇⏃⎎⟒."

(translation: Take Ranboo somewhere safe)

The guard carefully but urgently picked me up and headed somewhere outside.

I saw a portal but humans were coming out of it.

The guard waited until the humans were gone and ran to the portal.

He spoke in an enderman accent and said,

"go through this portal and ran away as fast and as far as you can!"

I nodded and went through the portal.

I started to cry and wonder if they were all gonna be okay.

words:714 woohoo :)

is this a cliffhanger? I think it is >:]

hope you enjoyed it though I had a lot of fun making this chapter today. Have a nice day/night and take care of yourselves! goodbye :)

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