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~A/N real quick~

⟟ might update weekly  or every 2 weeks who knows but if ⟟ don't then that probably means that I'm busy or I'm just procrastinating :')

Anyways enjoy the chapter :]

3rd person POV:

Tubbo was wondering why the book was so important to Ranboo.
Every time Ranboo was reading through the book Tubbo would always try to lean closer, but Ranboo would tilt the book so Tubbo wouldn't be able to read it.
"Hey Ranboo, what do you read in that book of yours? ⟟ always wonder when you read through it, sometimes ⟟ see you write and you seem either anxious or happy."
Ranboo started to fidget with their fingers and struggled with finding words.
" Tubbo, even if ⟟ showed you, your not gonna understand it since it's in another language... and-" Ranboo was cut of by Tubbo by saying,
"Then teach me the language! I'm sure it's not that hard, is it?"
Ranboo rubs his neck.
"Sort of..."
Tubbo sometimes forgets about his Dyslexia, and when Ranboo showed Tubbo the book his head started to hurt since it was a language he couldn't understand, plus his Dyslexia was acting up big time.
"Why the fuck is this so hard to read???You know what ⟟ give up ⟟ dont wanna learn how to read thos alien language its too difficult!"
suit yourself
" Ranboo sighed in realief quietly.
Tubbo handed the book back to Ranboo and they took it.
They started to write and Tubbo leaned to see how they were writing.
"Can you read that fluently?"
"Yeah why?"
"⟟ dont know, It's just hard to believe that someone can memorize that language."
Tubbo was surprized that Ranboo could read that but it made sense becuase Ranboo did look as quirky as the writing.
"So, how did you learn that language?"
"My parents taught me that language.."
"How your parents look like?"
Ranboo stopped writing and closed the book.
"⟟ don't know. ⟟ always try to remember but ⟟ can't and ⟟ don't know why,that's why ⟟ have the book to write down stuff so ⟟ dont forget the next hour or something."
Ranboo chuckled weakly and their eyes started to water.
"⟟-I'm sorry ⟟ shouldn't have asked in the first place."
"N- no its fine."
Ranboo said trying not to make their voice crack.
Tubbo hugged Ranboo as an apology.
"Do you wanna sleep in the guest room?"
Tubbo asked.
Ranboo nodded in responce trying not to cry to the fact that they can't remember their own parents.
Tubbo helped Ranboo get up from the sofa.
Ranboo and fell trying to get up and almost fell on Tubbo.
Tubbo's face turned pink since Ranboo's face was so close to his.
They both carefully went upstairs and Ranboo plopped onto the bed.
When Ranboo laid down they almost fell asleep becuase of how comfy the bed was.
"Im gonna go get you new clothes for you since they are all ripped and shit."
"Alright, how will you find clothes that fit me?"
"Ohh... thats a tough one to crack boss man."
"What if  you send a letter to someone that you know and they can come over here and sew clothes for me?"
Ranboo suggested.
"Yeah but the only person that ⟟ that can sew doesn't really like me.."
"ok ok, well try to find clothes that fit me and if you dont find any then you do my idea, alright?"
"Ok fine I'll look for the clothes first."
Tubbo left the room and a few minutes later he came back with some food.
"Here have this, incase you get hungry."
"Thank you."
"No problem boss man."
Tubbo walked over to the door and was about to close it,
"Bye Ranboo."
"Bye Tubbo love you."
Tubbo closed the door,went downstairs,put his coat on, and left.
'love you'? Ranboo thought,
They turned bright red to that thought.
They took their book out and wrote it down so they wouldn't forget.
Ranboo giggled and leaned back to fall on the pillow, their face still red.

675 words :)

the picture of how Ranboo looks like is on the top in the beginning:D

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