Bhishmak learns the Truth

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"Narayan Narayan"

Sage Narada appeared in the palace of King Bhishmak. Bhishmak got up from his bed and rushed to the great sage to greet him.

"Pranam Rishivar. Vidarbha is so fortunate that you decided to visit it"

Bhishmak touched the feet of Narad Muni. Narada blessed Bhishmak.

"Vidarbha is already fortunate king Bhishmak. The place where Shri herself resides is already blessed"

"I didn't understand Rishivar."
Bhishmak said as he joined his hands.

"Rajan, I got to know that you are planning a swayamvar for your daughter Bhaishmi"

"Yes Rishivar. You have heard right. I am planning a swayamvar for Rukmini"

"Did you find any eligible groom for your daughter?"

"Rishivar, my son Rukmi wants Rukmini to get married to the Prince of Chedi, Shishupal. But yesterday Bhaishmi told me that she wants to marry to the Prince of Mathura, Krishna. You might be knowing that yesterday only Jarasandh slayed Krishna in a battle. But still for the sake of my daughter I have sent my spies to the neighbouring kingdoms to know whether Prince Krishna is alive.. But if I do not find any information till tomorrow evening then I will have to accept Rukmi's proposal and arrange the swayamvar of Rukmini and Shishupal."

"Rajan, listen to me carefully. Only Vasudev Krishna is the most eligible groom for your daughter Rukmini. No one else, I repeat no one else should be allowed to marry Rukmini."

"That means prince Krishna is alive..."

"Rajan, not only Vasudev Krishna is alive, but he has also established his own kingdom in Dwarka. Tomorrow he will be crowned as the King of Dwarka."

Narada continued-

"Oh King Bhishmak, how have you been so ignorant? How could you not see the divinity of your daughter? Your daughter Rukmini, is not just a woman. She is indeed Goddess Shri who has taken birth in this city for some objective which is being planned by Brahmadeva. When Bhagwan Narayan was Shri Ram, she was Sita and now when he is born as the son of Vasudeva, his eternal consort Narayani has taken birth as your daughter, Rukmini. Your daughter is here to assist Vasudev Krishna as his 'Shri' in future."

Bhishmak was perplexed by all the sudden revelations. He recalled Rukmini's words..

"Pitashree.. I feel like I have known him forever.. I feel like I have always been a part of his leelas.."

She was constantly trying to tell me but I could not figure out the hidden meaning of her words.

Bhishmak put his head on the feet of Narada in absolute guilt.

"Forgive me Rishivar. Forgive me Oh Lord Narayan. I was unaware of the truth and in ignorance was about to commit such a big sin."

Narada pacified the King and said-

"Rajan, I know you are follower of dharm. But your son Rukmi, is under the wrong influence of King Jarasandh and Shishupal. It's your duty to tell him this truth and convince him for the marriage of Krishna and Rukmini"

"I will do it Rishivar. Tomorrow morning itself I will tell this to Rukmi. After that I will myself send an invitation to Vasudev Krishna and give Bhaishmi's hand in his hands"

Narada smiled. Bhishmak bowed down. Chanting "Narayan Narayan" he disappeared from there.

Bhishmak got up and went to Rukmini's room. He saw Rukmini, as always lost in her own thoughts brushing her hand over the painting of Krishna.

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