Rukmini's original letter from Shrimad Bhagwatam

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World's first love letter was written by Haripriya Rukmini for her Manmohana, Hari 💙

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World's first love letter was written by Haripriya Rukmini for her Manmohana, Hari 💙

World's first love letter was written by Haripriya Rukmini for her Manmohana, Hari 💙

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Following are the verses mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwatam-

श्रुत्वा गुणान्‌ भुवनसुन्दर शृण्वतां ते

निर्विश्य कर्णविवरैर्हरतोऽङ्गतापं।

रूपं दृशं दृशिमतां अखिलार्थलाभं

त्वय्यच्युताविशति चित्तमपत्रपं मे॥१

śrutvā guṇān bhuvanasundara śṛṇvatāṁ te

nirviśya karṇavivarairharato'ṅgatāpaṁ|

rūpaṁ dṛśaṁ dṛśimatāṁ akhilārthalābhaṁ

tvayyacyutāviśati cittamapatrapaṁ me||1

SB 10.52.37 — Śrī Rukmiṇī said [in her letter, as read by the brāhmaṇa]: O beauty of the worlds, having heard of Your qualities, which enter the ears of those who hear and remove their bodily distress, and having also heard of Your beauty, which fulfills all the visual desires of those who see, I have fixed my shameless mind upon You, O Achyuta (Kṛṣṇa).

का त्वा मुकुन्द महती कुलशीलरूप


धीरा पतिं कुलवती न वृणीत कन्या

काले नृसिंह नरलोकमनोऽभिरामं॥२

kā tvā mukunda mahatī kulaśīlarūpa


dhīrā patiṁ kulavatī na vṛṇīta kanyā

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