17-the worried Yuri

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Third person POV

The school time was already finished. The IZ*ONE group also have already in front the gate school waiting for Yuri to back home together. That's mean Minju as well.

Flashback at the cafe earlier~

"Unnie?" Yuri called Chaeyeon.

"Hm? Wae?" Chaeyeon asked as she looked at the younger.

"How about we back home together today?" Yuri asked and the others looked at her confusedly.

"You all said you want to get close to Minju right?" Yuri asked. The olders all just nodded.

"So, let's went to school and back home together everyday. What do you think?" Yuri asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Woah Yuri I don't know you have such a smart brain." Chaewon said make the others laugh while Yuri just pouted.

"Yah unnies. Do you want or not?" Yuri asked still pouted.

"Arasso arasso we will. We will waiting for you two in front of the gate school okay?" Chaeyeon said and ruffled Yuri's bangs make Yuri pouted more.

"Arasso unnie. I'm going now. I need to find that frog first. Aishhh. This girl."Yuri said.

The olders just nodded and sighed. Yuri then walked away from there.

"I wonder why Minju being like this." Chaewon mumbled.

The others didn't hear it. Something is still bothering her in her mind.

End flashback~

"Aish where is those two? I want to eat already." Hyewon said and frown.

"Yahh. Patient will ya?!" Eunbi said loudly.

"Unnniessssssss!!!" A voice can be heard make the group to close their ears.

Of course. It's Yuri after all. The girl calmly waved her hands at the girl group.

"Yah yah yah. Can you slow down your voice?" Chaeyeon said.

Yuri then just giggled and sidehugged the cold Minju.

"Sorry we are late. The teacher want us to send her book in the teacher room." Yuri said and scracth her non-itchy head.

"Arasso arasso let's go." Hyewon said and pulled Eunbi with her.

"Hm? Where's Wonyoung?" Yuri asked.

"Ahh. She will back home with our driver. Me? Me back to my wife's house." Hyewon said and smile widely.

Yuri just nodded and smirked at Eunbi. Eunbi just shakes her head slowly.

They then start to walking since their house just near the school.

The walks just silence. No one dare to speaks up. And it makes Hyewon went crazy. She don't like awkward atmospheres. Then she decides to asked some questions to Yuri.

"Yuri." Hyewon called the younger make Yuri look at her.

"Hm unnie?" Yuri said.

"I want to ask you question." Hyewon said.

"What is it?" Yuri said.

"Are you with Minju are friends from when?" Hyewon asked.

The others then just look at Yuri while Minju just used her cold expressions face.

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