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Third Person POV

"Yena-ah.. we need to go back to our own house hm?.." Nayeon comfort the girl that lying on her bed. Not really care about the woman said.

Nayeon is just standing at the mad girl door room.

It's been days already. Yena is still mad with them. It's school day today. Nayeon is worrying about the school. Yeah, of course worry right?

Well, the school is just giving their daughters 1 week off days. They knows the school will don't really care if they take more off days because of their daughters rank in the school will always in the top 10. But still they want their daughters to study though.

"I told you I don't want to. Not until Yuqi is not mad at me anymore." Yena said coldly. Not even looking at her mom.

Yeah..Yuqi is still mad at Yena about the past few days. She don't even care to go to her grandpa house before she went to school today.

That's why Yena know Yuqi is still mad at her. Yuqi didn't go to their grandpa house today. Well like Yuqi herself told her that the thing is already be her routines right?

Nayeon just sigh. Closing her eyes. She close the door room and went downstairs to the living room where Jeongyeon, Yujin and her father-in-law are.

"How is it eomma?" Yujin ask as soon as she see her mom walking towards them.

Yujin is lying down on the long couch while eating her crackers.

Jeongyeon and Mr. Choi then look at the woman when they heard the younger girl spoke.

Nayeon just sigh and sit on the couch that Yujin lie down on. She put Yujin's head on her lap and caressing the girl hair. While the girl is just keep eating her crackers and grinning widely liking Nayeon caressing her head.

"She still don't want to. Not until Yuqi is not mad at her anymore." Nayeon said lowly.

Jeongyeon just sigh.

"Hm? Then how about our school?" Yujin ask confusely with her mouth full with crackers. She frown at her mom.

"Don't worry about the school Yujin-ah.. Eomma already call the school that you and your sister take few off days again. Is it okay? Hm?" Jeongyeon said make Yujin pout.

"Hmm.. But I miss Wonyoungie already~" Yujin whine make the three older chuckles. She even burying her face in her mom's belly let her crackers aside.

Nayeon just caressing the girl hair and smile softly.

"Why don't you call her? Hm?" Nayeon said softly trying to comfort the girl.

Yujin then look up at her mom with teary eyes.

She really miss Wonyoung. She never be apart from the younger more than a week. Well, they can't be apart from each other even one day actually. Well for a fact, its just only Yujin who can't be apart from the younger. She is whipped.

But if it is Yena, she is willing to be apart from the younger but there is day limit.

"Hm.. I don't have any topic to talk with her." Yujin said lowly which receive chuckles from the three older again.

"Hm? It's weird for you don't have any topic to talk with Wonyoung. Why don't you tell her that you take few more off days hm? She must be worried about you." Jeongyeon turn to comfort the girl.

"Maybe she is missing you too." Jeongyeon added while wiggling her eyebrows. Slightly teasing her daughter make the girl have a tint pink on her cheeks.

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