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Yuri POV

We were walking to the class when suddenly a girl bumped into me make me sat on the floor.

"Ughh aishhh." I groaned. Nako and Hitomi helped me to stand up.

"Ohh. So-sorry. I'm just in a hurry. There was a cub that turned into tiger chasing me earlier." she said but her eyes was roaming behind her back maybe to find the tiger that she said.

What even is she saying? Tiger? When I saw her face oh-

"Yena unnie?" I called her.

She then turned around and faced me. She kinda like didn't move. She just looked at me.

"Yo-you know m-me?" she asked. Why is she stuttering?

"Of course unnie. Are you okay unnie? Why did you ran all the way here? You look pale unnie." I said as I put my hand on her forehead but then-

Beep beep beep~

Her watch suddenly rang. She then quickly stepped a back.

"Uh.uh. My class is about to start. I'm sorry again to bump into you. I gotta go now. Bye!" she said and start to run again.

"What's wrong with her?" Nako asked.

"I don't know. Her face look pale tho." I worriedly said.

"Let just go to the class." Minju coldly said.

Ugh this cold ass girl.

"Arasso. Let's go." I said and we went to our classroom.

Yena POV

"You know me?! Good question Yena. Of course she know you. You are her facilitator after all." here I am scolding myself in the comfort room.

My watch rang because of my heart. I think I just ran all day today because of that cub turn into tiger or because of the girl.

Wait! Why I feel like i'm forgot something. My eyes widened as I realized something. I hit my head.

"Paboo Yenaa! You forgot to ask her name. Know her face but don't know her name completely stupid Yena." I hit my head again.

Beep beep beep~

Oh this heart. Can you stay still? Stupid Yena. You forgot to eat your medicine Yena.

Quickly, I take my medicines but when i'm about to eat it suddenly the door open by someone. I quickly hide my medicines in my pocket.

Even if I want to eat it too I don't have any water. Ah stupid..

"Oh. Yena yahh." Oh it's Eunbi unnie.

"Unnie? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I think I forgot my book here earlier." she said and roamed her eyes all over the place.

"Ohh. Let me help you unnie." I said and we start to find it.

"Ah. Here Yena." she said loudly.

"Let's go to the class unnie." I said but she stopped me.

"Wait. What are you doing here earlier?" she asked. I gulped.

"Hm. I just sleep here unnie. Math class is just boring like always." I reasoned.

"Well, if the Math the reason I don't care. You have the brain that full with number. But sometimes you also stupid." she said and nodded.

"Yah unnie. I'm not that stupid. I'm still in the top 10." I said and pouted. She just giggled.

"Arasso arasso. But why your face look pale?" she said and put her hand on my forehead make me felt nervous.

My heart beating faster. I quickly took off my watch behind my back so it's not ringing.

"Really unnie? I think it's because I ran all day today. That cub turn into tiger because I ate her candy. hehe." I said and scratched my non-itchy head.


"Ouchh unnieeeee that's hurts!!" I groaned in pain, she just smacked my arm tho.

I agressively rubbed my arm. That's will leave a blue bruise I think.

"I already said. DON'T.EAT.HER.CANDY. She probably want me to buy her candy again after this." she said and massaged her temple. I just nervously smiled.

"Let's just go to the class." she said and I just nodded.

We walked out from the comfort room and we parted ways. We aren't in the same class.

I think I need to go to cafeteria to buy a water for eat my medicines. I then went to the cafeteria.

"Oh. Yena yah. Do you need anything?" Auntie Lee asked.

She is the worker in the cafeteria but my group close with her. Whatever we want she always have it. Is she doraemon or what? Nah I don't care about it. As long what I want is always there I didn't complained.

"I want one bottle water auntie." I said. She nodded and took one bottle water.

"Here. Just take it." she said and I just nodded.

"Thank you auntie." I said and smiled sweetly at her.

She just nodded and patted my head. She is really really kind heart person.

I walked away from there and went to the rooftop. I always went here if I don't feel like want to attend the class. I then eat my medicines and use my watch again.

It was for my heart beat actually but it has two functions. It can be the normal watch so, my friends can't suspecting me anything and also it's for me to check my heart beat, if it's normal or not.

It was made by my brother. The medicines also he was the one who made it. He really want to cure my disease. I want to cure my heart too but I can't do anything.

Yes I have a heart disease.

"Why am I even existed in this world if I have those disease?" I mumbled.

I'm just very into my thought until I didn't aware that my tears already rolling down to my cheeks.

"Why am I crying? Aishh. Pabo Yena." I wiped my tears.

I shook my head to stop myself from thinking.

I lied down on the floor and closed my eyes. But after a few minutes I drifted into dreamland.

see you next chapter ! don't forget to vote !

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