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Yena POV

I woke up because of the sun hit my face. I got up of the bed. I'm still in the hospital. I roaming my eyes around in my room, there I saw Yujin still sleeping on the couch. I then approach her.

I squatted in front of the couch and I just staring at her face. I still remember what she said yesterday.

"I'm sorry for being an unhealthy sister for you. You don't deserves a sister like me." I mumbled.

I caressed her face. She then slowly open her eyes.

"Yena unnie?" she said still rubbed her eyes.

"Hm?" I just hummed. She then quickly up of the couch.

"Unnie. What's wrong unnie? Are you okay? Are you sick? You need anything?" she asked me worriedly.

This is why I love her even she is annoying as fuck. She still have the soft heart. She still caring. She didn't like it when i'm sick. Yeah me too. I don't like when i'm sick because I make her cried. I don't like to see her cry.

"Anii Yujiniee. We just need to go to school." I said and chuckled at last.

She then sighed in relief.

"Aniyo unnie. Eomma Jeong said, we don't need to go to school. She already informed it to school that we will absent for this wholeeeee week." she said make me confused.

"Eh? What the reason?" I asked.

"Eomma said we will go to grandpa house." she said and smile widely.

"Oh." I just 'o', my mouthed.

It's been a long time I didn't go there. I kinda miss grandpa and grandma too. Why not to visit sometimes, right? And I know eomma know that I want to have some time alone.

"When we will go there?" I asked her.

"Of course today unnie !!" she said and cheered.

"Are you that happy to see grandpa?" I asked and smiled. She just nodded and smiled widely.

I love to see those dimples.

"Thennnn... Go shower now. Okay?" I said and stood up. I patted her head.

"Arasso unnie." she said and nodded.

Then, she quickly went inside the bathroom in my room.

I then just sit on the couch waiting for she finish showered.

Ring ring ring~

I then took my phone look at the name. Oh. I answered the phone.

"Wae?" I said coldly.

"Yahh. It's still early in the morning. You already want to bickering with me?" she said.

"Yahh. I just asked you wae?" I said and rolled my eyes. This girl like to annoyed me.

"Arasso arasso. I heard you went here today. Hm?" she said.

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