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Clay's POV

It was Monday morning and I was walking to school with my mother. She always walked with me because I felt calmer when she did that. She held my hand as I hopped around. I was really excited to see George again and I was going to sit close to his locker so I could see his reply to my notes.

My mother kissed my cheek when I was at school and gave me a hug. 'Good luck today. You can always talk to your favourite teacher when you don't understand a maths problem!'

I nodded and smiled as I walked to the entrance of the school. I walked to my locker which was pretty close to George's and stared at the code. I never remembered the code so I grabbed my phone. Luckily my phone had Touch ID, because I didn't remember that code either.

I went to my notes and looked up the code I wrote down there. I opened my lockers with those numbers and grabbed one of my books, sitting down on a bench with a smile. I was excited for George to come, I also really liked to look at what he was wearing. I loved all his clothes a lot and I found them cute.

I waited impatiently for George and five minutes later he finally walked in, straight up going to his locker. I squeezed my hands because I was excited and hoped he liked the messages.

George opened his locker and paused for a second. He slowly grabbed a book as he read one of my messages.

I saw a smile fill his face and he grabbed another one. I quickly looked away when he looked around him and then I saw him putting the notes in a small part of his bag with a smile.

I giggled shyly and decided to write more messages to him. As soon as he walked away, I grabbed a small sticky note and started writing.

You're blue hoodie is verry cute

I smiled and thought of something else I could say. I grabbed another note and started writing again. I found writing really hard since I wasn't as amazing with my writing skill, but also because I had dyslexia. I tried my hardest to write everything correctly for George.

I think your verry sweet :)

You make me hapie :)

I had a smile on my face and got so happy that I squeezed my hands and made a soft and happy sound. When I was sure George wouldn't come back, I quickly slid the notes into his locker, walking to the first class which was maths. Luckily I didn't have to switch from teachers a lot so today I had my favourite teacher all day.

I ran to maths before anyone was in the class and smiled as I stood in front of my teacher who was looking at some tests. She looked up with a smile. 'Hi Clay, why are you so happy?'

'I g-g-gave George a-a few n-n-notes again,' I whispered with a shy giggle.

'That's so sweet of you.'

I smiled and nodded happily, pointing at the tests she was checking after that. 'My t-t-test?'

'Would you like to look at your test together before everyone comes in?'

I nodded. 'Did I d-do g-good?'

'You did a bit better than last time!' my teacher said with a smile. 'I can see you find it really hard.'

I nodded slowly and she grabbed my test. 'Come, sit next to me.'

I nodded and sat down next to her.

'I noticed you mix the numbers a lot. Here you didn't multiply it by twelve, but twenty-one. I understand that five times twenty-one is very hard!'

I nodded and pouted slightly. 'I w-want to do w-w-well.'

'It's fine, Clay. You've been doing your absolute best.'

'I o-often don't u-understand the q-q-question and I-I just don't s-see it w-well.'

'I'm going to draw it, okay? Look, you have five ducks,' she said as she drew five ducks. I smiled and looked at the drawings. 'These five ducks are going to swim around in the lake, okay?'

I nodded and looked at her drawing a line to show a lake.

'They are going to swim around twelve times. Hold your hands up.'

I nodded and held my hands up. 'You have ten fingers, now add two.'

I did what she told me to. 'Twelve!'

'Yes! If every duck goes around the lake twelve times. How often do you see him?'

'Twelve?' I asked shyly, afraid to say something wrong.

'Yes, that's correct. You see them twelve times. Now there's five ducks. You see five ducks each time, how many ducks have you seen after twelve rounds? Use your fingers to count.'

I started counting on my fingers and wrote down a stripe on the paper when I had more than ten. After six times I stopped and looked at the paper, counting the stripes I wrote down.


'And how many fingers do you have?'


'Okay, do you know the answer?'

'Six t-t-times ten. Is t-t-that good e-enough?'

The teacher smiled. 'I'm already really proud of you. Can you try to think of what six times ten is? Just count your fingers.'

I started counting and smiled after a few minutes. 'S-sixty!'

'Good job!' she said with a smile. 'Don't tell anyone this, okay?'

I nodded and pointed at my paper.

'I still gave you a point for it now.'

'Thank y-you,' I whispered with a happy smile.

We discussed another problem, but then the first people came in and I shut down immediately. I couldn't speak anymore and sat down on my chair as I looked at George. He was really distracted and moved his legs heavily as he sighed.

I knew George had ADHD and used medication for it. He also had a mood disorder. Those were the reasons he was in this special school.

I was looking at him as he suddenly looked at me too. He smiled shortly and I got so shy that I grabbed my pencil to draw for him.

1056 words

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