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George's POV

I was moving around on my chair, constantly being distracted by everything. My ADHD got worsened by my stupid mood disorder and I felt really restless.

I started tapping my shoe on the ground and looked around me. Clay was already looking at me and I smiled at him, looking away after.

Clay was a really sweet boy, but I never talked to him since he had selective mutism. I knew he also had dyslexia, dyscalculia and a language processing disorder because he was born too early. Sometimes I just adored him, he was always drawing or writing small things.

I knew he wasn't good at maths at all which caused him to get really upset sometimes. I could understand why he got so upset. He already had so much trouble with five times five and I could definitely understand why it was frustrating for him.

I sighed loudly and stuck my hand in the air, getting annoyed when the teacher let me wait.

'Miss, I'm so sorry for talking through the class, but I'm actually going insane. I need to walk around, I'm so restless.'

'Of course,' the teacher said. 'Is there someone else who wants to walk for a little?'

Clay was completely in his own world and the teacher tapped his shoulder. 'Would you like to walk a little?'

He nodded happily and the teacher pointed at me. 'You can go with George.'

Clay had a blush fill his face and smiled shyly, standing up happily after that.

'You know he's muted,' the teacher whispered to me when I walked past.

I nodded and walked with him outside. Clay was excited, but really shy so he lifted his shoulders up high as he stared at the floor.

'You can relax, it's fine,' I said, softly pushing his shoulders back down.

He smiled and I rubbed his shoulder shortly, looking in front of me. Luckily I was pretty good at communicating so it wasn't uncomfortable that he didn't talk.

'I'm going to football training again after school. I haven't been there for a while now because of all the tests.'

Clay gave me a short nod and started playing with the cuffs of his hoodie.

'Would you like to have my phone so you can type to me instead of talking?'

Clay lifted his shoulders again and his face was red because he was anxious. I smiled and gave him my phone opened on notes. Clay started typing something, but had to delete it a few times because he was a bit clumsy with a phone.


I found it so cute that I smiled brightly and ruffled his hair up. 'How are you?'

Verry hapie

'That sounds good! Did something happen to make you this happy?'

Teecer helped me wit mats :) she talked about duks. I like duks :)

'Oh yes, ducks are cool. There's a lake close to my house, I sometimes feed the ducks.'

Clay smiled shyly.

'What did she tell you about the ducks?'

I haved to multiplie duks for my mats sum

'Did you do good?'

Yes :)

I smiled and Clay started running around. I found him adorable and just left him for a bit. I was happy to be able to walk around for now and I was definitely glad I was with Clay.

I had a mood disorder which caused me to have the same symptoms as a bipolar disorder, but not as "bad" as that. It was still bad, though. I had episodes where I was incredibly sad and down and periods where I was pretty happy.

At this moment I was in an episode where I had a really low mood again, but I could usually get out of that within a few weeks. Unfortunately my ADHD symptoms got worse too when I felt worse. I was restless and distracted more quickly and didn't enjoy life a lot. Then I always walked around for a little while.

Clay was running in front of me and I thought back about the notes in my locker this morning. I really wasn't feeling well at all and it made me very happy to read notes from someone.

I didn't know who sent them, but it made me feel really special. I was feeling worthless and then I realised there was someone out there who did appreciate me. I didn't know if they actually liked me in the way of love or just friendly, but it made me smile.

Clay came back to me and grabbed my phone.

Sun :D

I looked outside and nodded. 'Yes, it's sunny today. Do you like the sun?'

Clay nodded softly and slowly walked next to me again with lifted shoulders. He seemed very shy again and sighed softly.

'We are almost back at class. Do you want to tell me what you were drawing?'

A duk

I smiled. 'The duck must have looked amazing.'

Clay hopped back to the classroom and sat down on his chair with a smile. The teacher said something to him and looked at me.

'Are you feeling okay? If you're still not feeling great, be free to stand up and just walk around or sit outside again.'

I nodded and she shortly explained what we had been doing. I was pretty good at maths and wrote the problems down as I suddenly heard Clay cry. He threw his pencil away and lifted his knees to hide his face.

The teacher walked closer to him and knelt down next to his chair, looking in his book.

'You did good, Clay. You just mixed these two numbers. Can you try again?'

Clay had an easier maths book than we did, just like he had an easier English book. The letters were also really big and it got explained in easier English so he could understand. His English and maths level was probably for someone around the age of eight, but he was really good at creative things.

He always made the most beautiful things, drew a lot and made up stories in his head. He was currently drawing again and I just smiled. Without saying anything, he still managed to cheer me up.

1022 words

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