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George's POV

I started showing Clay how to play Minecraft and after a while I let him play. He was a bit clumsy and messed up, but it started getting better the longer he played.

Clay seemed to have so much fun that he constantly giggled and I smiled. I wanted to make him happy so I grabbed his bag. He stared at me and smiled shyly.

'Do you have your laptop?'

Clay nodded softly and pointed. I grabbed his laptop and put it down. 'I have a surprise for you, okay?'

Clay nodded again and he was so happy that he rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him and he looked at what I was doing without understanding it.

'I'm buying Minecraft for you,' I said with a big smile. 'You really enjoy it and I've always saved up money for a moment like this.'

Clay got very excited and moved his legs heavily as he giggled softly. He reached out to grab his phone and went to his notes.

Tank you :) your make me shy

I smiled and pulled him close to my body. I pressed a soft kiss on top of his head as he shyly hid his face behind his hands with a soft giggle.

'You are really cute,' I said with a big smile.

I ended up buying an account on Minecraft for Clay with a name he liked.

'I'll log into your laptop so you have the PC to play,' I said as I ruffled up his hair.

Clay nodded shortly and I logged in after writing his password and name down so he wouldn't forget.

I sat behind his laptop and made a world for Clay and me.

'You can just type in the chat,' I said to him as I pointed at his Minecraft chat. 'Take your time to type, I don't mind at all.'

Clay started typing. He seemed very focused on what he was saying and pressed all the keys with his index finger. I stood still to wait for him to type and looked at the chat when he sent it with a smile.

I'm verry hapi tat you got the geam for me :) tank you

'That's not a problem at all, I like to make you happy,' I answered his chat message.

Clay sent another smiley face and started running around as he giggled next to me. I just smiled and talked to him to explain what was happening in the game.

Your verry sweet :)

'You're sweet, Clay. I'm really happy to be here with you.'

We continued the game and a bit later Clay saw a leather helmet. He grabbed a flower since I explained to him that he could dye some things. I just acted like I didn't know what he was doing and then he smiled brightly.

I haf presint for u :)

'Aww, that's so sweet! What is it?'

Leter helmed, I maked it blu for u :D

'Thank you so much,' I said as I put the helmet on. 'I really like blue too!'

For you :D

'I'm very happy with my helmet,' I giggled with a shy smile. I looked at Clay who was hiding himself a bit because he got happy and shy that someone was his friend now.

I really just wanted to hold him since I found him so cute and moved my chair a bit closer, grabbing his hands.

'Don't hide your beautiful face,' I said with a smile.

Clay giggled and held my hand tightly. I looked at the screen again and then had an idea.

'What's your favourite flower?'

Roos :)

I smiled and saw a poppy which looked pretty close to a rose. I mined it and went into creative mode, spawning in an anvil to name it. I just named it "For Clay, From George <3".

I handed the rose to Clay and he giggled softly, typing in the chat again. He thanked me for the flower and we continued playing again. Every time Clay stood still to type I set his gamemode to creative so he wouldn't get killed while typing.

Clay and I continued playing for hours, but Clay got really tired after a while. He told him that he could lay down on my bed and he did, curling up like a ball. He shivered a bit and I smiled.

'Are you cold?'

He nodded and I walked closer, pulling the sheets far over him. 'Would you like to cuddle?' I asked shyly. I never had a lot of confidence, but I knew Clay really liked cuddles. At least, he looked very happy each time we cuddled up.

I looked at Clay and laid down next to him. He got really shy and giggled softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, closing his eyes.

'Are you comfortable?' I asked Clay who was hiding his face in my hoodie.

He gave me a small nod and looked up, closing his eyes again. I ran my hand through his hair and he had a smile on his face as he grabbed my hand.

'I'm very happy when I'm with you,' I said with a smile.

I thought back about the notes in my locker and hoped that they were from Clay. There were mistakes on the notes and Clay had dyslexia, so it could be him. Still, I didn't want to assume, I just hoped that he was it.

I never had many friends either. I went to football every week, but I wasn't close to anyone. I just talked to some people every now and then and that was it.

Reman was probably not a friend either. I didn't want to be friends with someone who hated his brother for being disabled. I liked Clay the way he was and it didn't matter to me if he would never talk or had a stutter when he did talk.

I just knew I wanted to be his friend and help him fight the bullies. I hoped Reman would leave him alone, but otherwise I would help Clay with that. He was my friend and I didn't want to leave him anymore.

1024 words

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