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-Suicidal thoughts (mood swing)

Clay's POV

I woke up in George's arms and smiled shyly, seeing him look at me. 'Hi, Clay.'

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist with a blush on my face. I loved him this close to me and I looked him in the eyes. George looked at me too and I blinked a few times as we kept staring.

Normally George always talked, but he was quiet now. It was really comfortable though and we both smiled. His face filled with a big smile again and then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, looking me into my eyes.

I looked back at him and got a bit scared so I looked down at my hands, giving him a hug to show him that I really liked him being here with me.

'You're really sweet,' George said to me. 'What would you like to do?'

I grabbed my phone and rested my head on his chest.

I'm verry tiret :) I get eesili tiret becus of my porblems :)

'It's totally fine, Clay. I understand. We can just lay down together. Or would you like to go downstairs to watch a movie?'

Wat movi :D

'You can choose the movie, if you want to watch one,' George said as he cuddled up even tighter with me. 'But we can also lay down like this, because I like to cuddle with you. Should I check if my mother is here?'

I noticed George was getting really unfocused and he started talking excessively while moving his legs heavily.

You haf trobel wit ADHD?

George nodded slowly. 'A little bit. I feel a bit restless so then I always start talking a lot. I'm sorry. Clay, I'm struggling a bit at the moment. I just had a very sudden mood swing again. I'm suddenly really sad.'

How can I help?

'I'm sorry,' George muttered as he stared at his hands. His eyes started filling with tears and I let him rest his head on my chest now. George suddenly started sobbing and it didn't take long for him to burst out into tears, crying loudly in my arms.

'I'm so sorry,' he whispered. 'I feel like such a bad friend. I get so depressed when I feel like this and life seems so dark that I can't stop thinking about suicide.'

I get you're sizter?

'Would you want to?' George said as he sobbed loudly. 'She usually knows what to do.'

I nodded and stood up to run downstairs. I saw her sit down on the couch and she smiled at me. 'Hi, Clay! What's up?'

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the stairs. She understood and just walked with me up the stairs. I sat down on George's bed again as he laid down, curled up like a ball while he cried loudly.

'Oh, George. Come here,' she said as she pulled him against her body.

'I'm so sad, I can only cry. Life is so dark and I hate it so much. I feel so incredibly depressed and suicidal suddenly.'

His sister smiled at me shortly. 'You knew he had a mood disorder, right? He's going to be okay again soon, he's having a sudden mood swing and it shouldn't take longer than ten minutes.'

I nodded softly and shyly grabbed George's hand. He had a small smile fill his face and his sister let go of him, letting him lay down in my arms.

She ran her hand through George's hair and George sobbed loudly as he hid his face in my hoodie.

'I'm so depressed,' George whispered.

His sister talked him through his sudden mood swing and George smiled shortly as he sat up a bit later.

'I'm sorry, I just suddenly break down and then I get so sad that I see everything hopeless.'

I wrapped my arms around him and George stared at me for a little. His cheeks heated up and he smiled shyly and he ran his hand through my hair. 'Thank you for being here with me too. I'm sorry if I was a bit overwhelming to you.'

I shook my head and held his hand tightly while looking at him. I smiled to comfort him and gave him another hug to make him happy again. His sister was smiling too and I looked at her shortly.

'Are you two friends?'

'Yes,' George muttered. 'At least, I think we are, right?'

I nodded heavily to answer him and George smiled, looking at his sister again.

'Could we watch a movie? Or is mum still downstairs?'

'Yeah, she might leave in a bit.'

'Okay, can you call me when she's gone?'

His sister frowned. 'Are you scared of her?'

'No,' George muttered. They were talking a lot and I didn't really understand all their words.

His sister ended up leaving and George smiled shortly. 'I'm very tired. We can sleep for a little if you're tired too?'

I nodded and we cuddled up again. George pressed his chest against mine. It made me smile that I wasn't the only one anymore who really liked to cuddle with someone right now. I got so happy when I could hug someone and George didn't find me weird.

'You're really sweet, Clay,' George smiled. 'Sorry, I might make you uncomfortable by saying that.'

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him to show him that I liked his compliments. He smiled and got my hint. 'I'll keep complimenting you then. I feel like you're pretty insecure, but I want you to know that I think your voice is very beautiful.'

It made me so happy that I grabbed my phone and started typing.

Even wit stuter?

'Of course, your stutter will never annoy me. I hope you will feel comfortable enough to talk to me, because I really would never make fun of you. You're beautiful and I'm sure your voice is as well.'

I giggled and thanked him through text. I ended up falling asleep. George fell asleep after me while we laid together.

1038 words

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