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-Mentions abuse/bullying

Clay's POV

I was very sad after Reman kicked me and I had a bruise on my back. My body was really weak and it often caused me to bruise something very easily. I had also broken some bones with the slightest touch, so my parents were always very careful with me.

I was sitting at the dinner table. Reman wasn't home yet and my mother smiled. 'Do you want to tell us about today?' she asked, giving me the chance to talk about George if I wanted to.

'I'm t-trying to m-m-make f-friend,' I whispered as I looked at my dad.

'Really?' he said with a smile. 'Who is it?'

'George,' I whispered with a smile. 'I like h-him and h-h-he's very s-sweet.' I took a bite of my dinner as I started telling my dad about the notes I wrote for him every day and got so excited that I stopped eating to tell them about George.

My parents just listened to me and they smiled. 'You're so sweet, he must love it to get such notes! May I ask why George is in the same school as you?'

'He has ADHD and a m-m-mood disorder,' I mumbled, eating again.

My parents left me a little to eat and after dinner they sat with me on the couch while I watched a show on the tv. Reman came home a bit later and since my mother told my dad what happened, he immediately stood up and grabbed his wrist.

'Reman, I want you to apologise to your brother, right now. If you kick him one more time, I don't want to see your face around here for a day.'

TW bullying

'You're going to kick me out because I kick that dumb idiot? I can't help it that he's dumb as hell, he just annoys the shit out me and that's his problem.'

'Clay was born too early,' my dad yelled. 'He's really smart, but just needs a bit more care. What would you have done if you got bruises very easily and your brother kicked you?'

'I'm not a weak pussy like him. I wouldn't cry about it.'

'Apologise to him or your phone will be gone for longer.'

'I can't apologise to him when I don't give a shit about him.'

'Okay, that's your problem then. Every time you don't want to say sorry and swear at him again, is a week longer without a phone.'

'I need my phone for school.'

'You don't and we have a PC downstairs. If you need to do something, you can use that and I will watch if you're actually only doing that. Otherwise you can stay at school longer and do it there.'

'Why are you so harsh?'

'Because you kicked your brother and he has a big bruise. Next to that you've made him cry and even said you want him to die. If you think we will just let that slide, you're very much in the wrong.'

'You're just picking him as your favourite.'

'We weren't doing that at all, but then you shouldn't have hurt him.'

'He's dumb and annoying. He can't even talk.'

'He can't talk because you make him too stressed to talk. He talks to us and his favourite teacher and he should be supposed to talk to his own brother too, but that's more on you than on me.'

'I don't even want to hear him talk anyway. If I would have that annoying stutter he does, I would never speak up again. It's better that he's not talking.'

My dad grabbed Reman's wrist and pulled him to the stairs. I heard him scream at him a bit later and I hugged my mother.

TW over

'I'm sorry f-f-for s-stuttering.'

'Honey, never apologise for that again. You can't help it and sometimes you say a whole sentence without stuttering!'

'I'm a-annoying, I'm s-sorry.'

My mother shook her head and kissed my hair. 'You're not annoying at all. I love you a lot, sweetie. Even if you need more care.'

'I'm v-very short.'

'That's because you were born too early. It's totally fine to be short and you look very beautiful. I think George would love your notes.'

I giggled and moved my legs happily. 'I'm g-going to g-give him m-more.'

'That's sweet of you, Clay. Are you tired? If so, I'll bring you to bed.'

I nodded and went upstairs. I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep after brushing my teeth and pulling on my pyjamas.

The next morning I walked to school with my mother and ran inside with some notes I wrote.

I dont dare talk to you but I tink your verry hansom :)

I tink your sweeter then every one I met

I like you're eyes :)

I giggled as I slid them in his locker, sitting in the distance to watch him open it. He arrived at school ten minutes later and I looked at him. He was looking beautiful again and I only wished to be his friend more.

George's face filled with a smile as he read every note twice. He opened his bag again and put the notes with the others he still kept safe in his bag.

I was really happy that he liked my notes and stood up to go to class as I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked around at George's face and he smiled at me. My cheeks heated up because I got pretty anxious. I really wanted to talk to him so I could be his friend, but I found it very difficult and shut down.

'Hi,' George said with a smile. 'I just wanted to say hi. If you ever want to walk with me again, be free to ask. I don't mind you not speaking, I just enjoyed your presence.'

I smiled shyly and stared at my hands as I giggled softly. George smiled and ruffled my hair. 'Just tap my shoulder when you want to walk with me.'

1037 words

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