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George's POV

I was helping Clay with his homework, but he got a bit frustrated so I turned him around on my lap so he could cuddle up with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest as he looked up at me after that.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and smiled. 'Hi,' I giggled as he looked me in the eyes.


'I love your voice so much,' I whispered. 'It's so beautiful.'

'Y-y-you are b-beautiful.'

We both smiled and I pulled him closer. He seemed very happy to be closer to me and grabbed my hand as he giggled softly. It made a muffled sound since he was hiding in my hoodie.

'Do you like cuddling with me or is it uncomfortable to you?' I asked to make sure he was actually okay with the hugs. I knew he liked physical affection with his parents and people he liked, but I hoped he liked it with me too.

Clay giggled softly. 'C-comfortable,' he whispered with a big smile. He was squeezing his hands, a thing he usually did because of happiness.

I couldn't suppress myself from smiling very softly and playfully ruffled his hair up again. He let out a soft giggle after that and squealed happily.

I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly in between both my hands. His hand was a little bit cold so I started warming it up while he looked from me to his hand with a happy smile.

'You're m-my friend,' he suddenly mumbled. He had dark red cheeks and giggled, standing up to walk to his bed. He laid down and pulled me closer to him, both laying down on our sides while we held each other tightly against our bodies.

I smiled and Clay got very shy. He looked at me and sighed softly. 'I h-have a-a-always wanted a f-friend and I a-always l-l-liked cuddling. W-when my parents w-weren't t-there to cuddle, I f-felt alone.'

'I will be here to cuddle with you whenever you want. I'm happy you're my friend, because I really wanted a friend too.'

We continued cuddling as we suddenly heard a loud sigh next to us. I looked up in the face of Reman.

TW abuse

'I hate you both, you're both so disgusting. Don't you ever dare to cuddle with that idiot again.'

'I think I can choose that myself,' I yelled at him. 'Just leave us alone.'

Reman walked closer and grabbed Clay's arm. He pulled him out of his bed and then pushed him on the ground. Clay started crying because he really hurt his knees and hands and I sat with Clay to calm him down.

Reman didn't seem to be done yet and kicked Clay against the side of his chest. Clay seemed to have trouble breathing and I pushed Reman away.

'You're actually a monster,' I yelled. 'You know he gets bruises and breaks things very easily.'

'I hate him, so you think I care? You just want him for yourself and you're forgetting about me.'

'I don't want to be friends with a guy who kicks my friend!'

TW over

Clay's mother heard the screaming and ran upstairs to see Clay crying.

'What happened?' she asked with a shocked face.

'Reman hurt Clay a lot.'

'Go to your room,' his mother said with a shaky voice, trying not to get mad. Though, it was obvious that she was in fact really mad already.

Reman ran off after he rolled his eyes and Clay's mother sat next to Clay who was still crying very loudly.

'Where are you hurt, honey?'

Clay was sobbing softly and hugged his mother out of sadness.

'He fell onto his knees and hands, after that Reman kicked his ribs.'

'Honey, do you think you broke something?'

Clay was too sad to answer and big tears rolled down his cheeks as he rested his head on my lap.

'Can I lift your shirt to see the bruise?' I asked Clay so he wouldn't get startled.

He nodded softly and I lifted it up, seeing a really big bruise form on his chest. Clay sniffed softly and wrapped his arms around me as he held his hands up and pointed to his knees after.

'Where do your hands hurt?' I asked. Clay pointed to his palm and I ended up kissing the palm of both his hands and Clay smiled shortly, sniffing loudly after that.

'Where else?'

He pointed to his knees and I lifted his sweats till his knees, seeing two bruises on his kneecaps. I hugged Clay carefully and wiped his tears away.

'Do you want me to hold ice against your ribs?'

Clay nodded softly and his mother stood up to grab some. I wiped his new tears away and tried to calm him down.

'It's okay, Clay. I understand that you're in a lot of pain and very sad, but I'm with you.'

'I'm s-scared,' Clay whispered as he hitched a breath after.

'Of Reman?'

He nodded softly. 'What if we ask your mother if you can stay at my place this week? So you can rest a bit and Reman isn't around you?'

'P-parents want m-me there?''

'I'm sure they won't mind me bringing a friend over. Otherwise I just don't care at all. You're staying with me if that's okay with your mother.'

Clay nodded and his mother came back with some ice. I held it against his rib and smiled at his mother.

'Clay is a little bit scared to stay here with Reman and he would like to stay at my place until his rib is feeling better again.'

'That's totally fine with me, I understand that. Reman is going to be in his room without a phone for the upcoming weeks. And then you can stay at George's place.'

Clay smiled and hugged me. 'T-t-thank y-you.'

1042 words

Reman sees them hug and ATTACKS

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