Chapter 41

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~Stella's POV~
Brielle was here. She was beautiful and so perfect.
"She's so tiny. She has your adorable blue eyes." I told Kelly smiling.
"She has your dark brown hair." Kelly told me stroking my hair as he admired his daughter.
"Hey guys! I need to clean her up and check her." Natalie said as she came in.
"Thanks for letting us have her for an extra 5 mins Nat." I told her as I handed over Brielle.
"We'll be back in a few. Say Bye Mommy, bye daddy!" Natalie said taking Brielle and waving her little hand at us.

After about 2 minutes I started getting tired.
"Baby, you ok?" Kelly asked me.
"Yea.. just tired." I told him snuggling in his chest.
"Rest my love.. you deserve it.. I love you." He told me giving me a kiss. After about 5 minutes I fell fast asleep.

~Kelly's POV~
I laid with Stella stroking her hair as she was asleep. Natalie came in after 10 minutes. I carefully got up, trying to not wake Stella.
"She fell asleep?" Natalie whispered as she came in.
"Yea, why? You need her to wake up?" I asked.
"No, no it's fine, it's understandable. Just come get me when she wakes up. But here is your little cutie. She was born at 6lbs 2 oz on April 27 at 7:19 pm." Natalie said smiling as she handed her to me.
"Hi my little princess." I said as I held my little girl in my arms.
"Congrats Kelly." Natalie said before she left.

~Stella's POV~
After a little I woke up to the most beautiful sight, Kelly holding our daughter.
"You guys look so cute." I smiled as I woke up.
"You won the bet." Kelly slightly chuckled.
"What bet?" I asked him, sitting up.
"The bet we had about her weight, you said she would be 6 and I said like 7 or 8." He explained.
"Ohhh yea.. haha you have to clean all the night diapers for a week!" I laughed.
"Natalie will want to know you're awake. Also everyone from the house is here. You want them to come in?" He asked me.
"Can you just get Matt and Gabby for now? I want them to meet their goddaughter/ niece first." I said.
"Of course.." he said. He gave me Brielle and went to get Gabby and Matt, then Natalie.

"Hey there! How are you?" Gabby said as she came in.
"Hey! Here she is! Your goddaughter/ niece!" I said as I showed Brielle to Gabby and Matt.
"Omg can I hold her?" Gabby asked.
"Of course!" I said handing her over.
"Hi Bri, I'm your Auntie Gabby! Omg Stella, she's perfect!" Gabby said.
"Just think, in 9 weeks or less, you'll have a little one" I chuckled.
"Congrats Stella." Matt said as he hugged me.
After 5 minutes Natalie came in.
"Hey! You're awake! Want to try nursing?" Natalie asked.
"Yea sure!" I said. I put Brielle on my chest and tried to nurse.
"Wow! She latched on after the first try!" Natalie said. "How does it feel?"
"It feels a little funny, but a good funny." I smiled as I watched my baby girl nurse.

-2 month later-
Today was Brielle's 2 month check up, and my 8 week postpartum check up.
I woke up to Brielle crying.
"I'll get her..." Kelly said as he got up.
"She might want me.." I said as I sat up, waking up.
"You know she will." Kelly chuckled.
After a few minutes Kelly came back.
"I changed her diaper, but she's a hungry girl." Kelly came in and told me, handing her over to me.
"Of course she is." I chuckled. Holding my baby girl, letting her nurse.
"What time are the check ups today?" Kelly asked.
"Her check up is at noon, then mine is right after hers." I said. "Here, can you burp her while I go use the bathroom?"
"Of course Babe." He told me, giving me a kiss and taking our daughter.

We all got ready and headed to med.
"Hey, we have two appointments today." I said walking up to the desk, I saw a nurse I didn't recognize.
"What are the names?" She asked.
"Brielle Severide, and Stella Severide." I said.
"I don't see a Stella Severide in our system." The nurse said.
"What? I was literally here 2 months ago giving birth to her." I said.
"I'm sorry, you aren't in here. Maybe your maiden name?" The nurse said.
"Stella Kidd." I said.
"How do you spell that?" She asked.
"S-T-E-L-L-A K-I-D-D." I said.
"Can I see proof of ID?" She asked.
This is getting ridiculous..." I whispered to Kelly. I gave her my driver's license, which had my name as Stella Kidd-Severide.
"Alright, go to bay 5, Dr. Manning will be with you shortly." She said.

We got into the room and Nat came in after 10 minutes.
"Hey guys! How you doing?" Natalie came in.
"Been good! She's been a pretty chill baby. Thanks god. And I'm fully healed I think." I laughed.
"Good to hear! Ok let's see Brielle and then I'll check you." Natalie said as Kelly handed her over.
"Ok, she's a good weight, and seems to be growing good! She is a very healthy little girl!" Natalie told us as she assessed her.
"Great! Stella is super paranoid about everything!" Kelly laughed. I hit him on the shoulder jokingly.
"That's totally fine. It's better to be cautious, than being risky." Natalie said.
"Ha." I laughed at Kelly.

After both checkups were done, we went home.
"Hey, Casey and Dawson are meeting us at the house, we're going to make some steaks for dinner." Kelly told us as we drove home.
"Ok! It'll be nice to see Gabby, I haven't seen her in 2 weeks!" I said.


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