Chapter 83

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-2 weeks later-
~Stella's POV~
Today is my first shift back in 2 weeks. I've been out for 2 weeks because I've been sick and my body's just been super weak. I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet, besides Casey and Chief. Chief was worried about me and wanted a reason as to why I was out for so long. So I had Kelly tell him. And Casey had to know because he's my captain, but Gabby ended up telling him because he was super worried about me as well.

We just got to the firehouse, and I saw Gabby in the locker room as I put my things away.
"Hey, you're finally here!" Gabby said.
"Yea, finally! I've been just... ugh these past 2 weeks. But I'm finally ready to start working again, even if I am..." I said. Putting my hand on my stomach. I could tell that this pregnancy was going to be like how Addie's was. Brielle's want too bad and the twins one was rough, and Addie's fell in the middle both of them, but leaned a little over towards the twins. My stomach was super swollen just like how it was with Addie. It looked like I was maybe 15 weeks at only 12. But my sweater hid the bump almost completely.
"When are you telling everyone else? I know Chief and Matt already know." Gabby asked.
"I don't know.. but I'm gonna stay in truck for a bit, I know that. Nat said I'm ok to lift anything 25 pounds or under, and I can lift up to 85 pounds with assistance. So I can pull out victims by dragging them out with a harness and rope." I said.
"When will you move to Ambo?" Gabby asked me.
"When I'm 18-20 weeks. I don't want to stop working on truck, but I know once I reach that time, I'm gonna want to stop." I said.

Then Casey came in.
"Hey! I didn't know you were gonna be here today! How've you been? And congrats by the way!" He said.
"Hey! Yea I'm back! I'm gonna be working on truck for about 6-8 more weeks. Then I'll be switching to ambo." I told him.
"Does anyone know? Severide told me not to tell anyone." He asked.
"No, the only ones who know are you guys and Chief, I don't know when I'll tell everyone, maybe when I move to Ambo." I said.
"Hey, briefing going to start in like 5 minutes." Gallo came into the locker room.
"I gotta talk to Chief before briefing, I don't think he knows that I'm here." I said.

I went to Chief's office.
"Hey Chief?" I said.
"Give me one minute." He said, not looking up from his computer, once he looked up he was shocked to see me there.
"Oh Kidd, I didn't know you were back! Congrats by the way! Are you still working?" He asked me.
"Yes! I will be working on truck until I'm 18-20 weeks and then I'll try to work on ambo until I'm 36 weeks." I said.
"Are you sure that's safe? I don't want anything to happen to you while working on truck." Chief said.
"It's fine, I cleared it with Nat. And I can still lift things 25 pounds and under. But with assistance, I can carry up to 85 pounds. So I can still drag out victims." I said.
"That's great! I have some news... but I'll be telling it at briefing ok?" He said.
"Alright! Is it bad?" I asked him.
"Briefing is starting." Chief said. And we left his office.

I went into the bullpen and sat with Gabby at a table.
"Hey.. Chief was off when I went to go see him... did I miss something while I was gone?" I asked Gabby as we sat together at a table.
"I don't think so... did he tell you anything?" She asked me.
"No, other than congrats and that he has news that he is saying today right now." I said.
"I'm sure it's just some house chores or something.." Gabby said.
"I hope you're right." I said.

"Alight everyone settle down." Chief said as he walked in. "I have a few announcements today. Ok so, first off, Stella is finally back." He laughed.
"Yea, why were you out for so long?" Gallo asked.
"I- uh. Had the flu." I said. Kelly looked and me and laughed a little.
"Oh ok, makes sense, you never miss work unless you're actually really sick." Otis said.
"Alright, so it's also the beginning of March, and that means Spring cleaning." Chief said. We all groaned.

"Alright so, Severide and Casey, you will be cleaning all the windows, Capp and Cruz will be mopping and sweeping every speck of the floor, Mouch and Mills will be doing all the laundry, like sheets, towels, etc, and organize the laundry room. Otis and Gallo will be cleaning the bunk room. Brett and Foster will be cleaning the bathroom and showers, and Engine will clean all the vehicles, and Kidd and Dawson will organize and deep clean the whole kitchen and common room." Chief said.
"Eh, not too bad, it's better than last year." Gabby whispered to me. Last year we had to mop and sweep the whole firehouse.
"Definitely." I laughed.
"Ok, and I had one more thing to say, but I'll save that for next shift. We have a lot do to today. After breakfast, start working. Dismissed." Chief said.

"Alright, I'm making hash-brown bowls, any objections?" Mills said as he started on breakfast.
"Nope." Gabby and I said. We love the hash brown bowls he made. They were my favorite when I was pregnant with all the kids.

After Mills made Breakfast, we all ate, and then we started on our chores.
"So where should we start first?" Gabby asked.
"Kitchen definitely." I said.
We took our all the food in the cabinets and went through it all.
"It's crazy how much expired stuff we have here." I laughed.
Then we went through the fridge. Nothing really bad in there. Except when I opened up the freezer and almost died. There was a steak in the back of the fridge that was very old.
"Oh my god..." I said. I stepped back from the fridge and held my hand over my mouth, trying not to throw up.
"Hey, you ok?" Dawson asked me.
I shook my head and pointed to the freezer. She went up to the freezer and pulled out the steak and threw it out in a separate bag and put it in the dumpster.

"Thanks.. that was just... ugh. I would've not been able to handle that. I've been ugh all morning but not as much as too not work today." I said.
"No problem. Now, want me to clean the freezer and you want to start organizing the plates and bowls?" Gabby asked me.
"Yea sure." I said.
I organized the dishes and then we had to move onto the rest of the common room.

Then I got tired and laid down on the couch.
"Forget everything I said, I would much rather be sweeping and mopping." I laughed.
"It's not that bad, you're just extra tired." Gabby laughed.
"That would explain it. I hardly have any energy, but I already missed 6 shifts." I said, I got up and started to clean all the surfaces.
"Yea, but then maybe you should've just stayed home you know? You don't wanna work yourself up." Gabby said.
"Just because I pregnant, doesn't mean, I can't work." I whispered and laughed.
"Of course I know that. You know I'm just looking out for you." Gabby laughed.
"Of course, thank you." I hugged her.

Brett and Foster came into the common room.
"Hey, you guys almost done?" Brett asked.
"Yea, we just have to clean the surfaces, and then we have to finish up in the kitchen, we just have to do the dishes." Gabby said.
"You guys finished?" I asked.
"Yea, we cleaned all the toilets, scrubbed all the showers. And then mopped the bathroom." Foster said.
"You guys want help?" Brett asked.
"No, I think we're good, thanks though." I said.
"Alright, let's go see if the guys need help." Foster said.

Then we finished and Dawson and I were sitting at the table.
"My god, that was exhausting..." I laughed and put my head down on the table.
"Yea, hey, what do you think Chief was going to say but then he decided to save it for next shift?" Gabby asked.
"I don't know. I couldn't think of a reason." I said.
Then we heard the bells go off.

Squad 3, Ambo 61, truck 81, Engine 51, person in distress 89 Walbash street
"Let's go!" Gabby said as we heard the bells.
We all jumped in the vehicles and drove to the address.
"What's going on here?" I asked as I pulled up to the address. We ended up at a warehouse.
"Main? Did you give us the right address?" Casey asked in his radio.
"Affirmative 81." Main said.
"Let's head in, Dawson, Kidd, stick together, Otis and Mouch stick together, and Gallo you're with me." Casey said.

We got out and we all went inside, not knowing what could be waiting for us inside. We didn't know what could be inside.
"This doesn't seen right...." I told Gabby before we went in.
"Yea I know.." she said.
"Hey... you're getting a bad feeling from this place too right?" Kelly asked me.
"Yea... let's just go in and make sure no one is hurt." I said. We all went inside.

Dawson and I kept close as we searched the warehouse. We didn't find anything, then all of a sudden, we heard a loud bang and it was right near Gabby and I. The rest of the firehouse ran to us.
Then there were two figures standing there.
We saw 2 gunmen there, they both had masks on so we couldn't tell their faces. They each had a gun and a sharp knife.

One of them threw something across the room, and Gabby and I stood back and then the gunmen each got one of us. One of them grabbed me. And the other grabbed Gabby. Then they put the knives to our throats.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kelly yelled out.
"Shut up! Now... you guys didn't see nothing ok?" The guys who had Gabby yelled.
"Alright yea.. we didn't see anything. Now, let them go!" Casey said.
The guys pushed the knives closer to Gabby's and I's necks.
"No listen.. we had a plan... we needed you guys to come here..." the guy that had Gabby said.
"And why is that?" Kelly asked.

As I felt the knife get closer to my skin, I started to tear up.
"For her..." the guys said, pointing to me.
"Hey.. miss me?" The guy who had me whispered in my ear as he got the knife closer to my neck. I immediately recognized the voice couldn't believe who I was hearing...


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