Chapter 45

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-Brielle's first birthday-
~Stella's POV~
"You know she won't remember any of this right?" Kelly asked me as we finished setting up the decorations for Brielle's party.
"Yes I know, but it's our baby's first birthday! I want to go all out!" I told him.
"It looks good babe!" He said as we finished.
"I know! It looks adorable! You got those cupcakes yesterday right? The ones for her birthday breakfast?" I asked him.
"Yes I did, and I'm picking up the cake later." He told me.
I got the cupcake out and put a candle in it.
"Should we wake her up or let her wake up on her own?" I asked him as we checked to see if everything was good.
"It's 730am. Why don't we let her sleep more? If she doesn't wake up by 830, we'll wake her up." He told me.
We got all her presents on the table and after 5 minutes she woke up. Kelly and I went to her room.
"Good morning my love! Happy birthday!" I said picking her up.
"Happy birthday beautiful!" Kelly gave her a kiss.
"Let's get you some breakfast!" I said as I carried her to the kitchen.
I sat her in her high chair and we gave her her cupcake. Kelly and I sang her happy birthday and we gave her her presents.
"Marshall!" She said as she opened one of her paw patrol toys.
"Yea it's Marshall! Look he has a truck like the one mommy drives!" I showed her.
(Btw yes, Otis is in this story, but Stella drives the truck; only when Stella is not working, he drives it.)

We all got ready for her party.
"Babe! Where are her red and black bows?" I yelled out as I was doing her hair. She had long, dark brown curly hair. I love that she got my hair.
"I don't know! Maybe the top drawer?" He yelled back.
"What do you mean you don't know? You organized her bathroom yesterday! They aren't in the top drawer!" I yelled back.
Kelly came into the bathroom.
"Maybe it's in this box." He said grabbing a box off of the shelves where we keep her other bows, she has so many that we have to keep them in 2 places.
"Here." He said giving them to me.
"Thanks." I said giving him a quick kiss in the lips. I finished her hair.
"Can you take her while I finish mine?" I asked him as I took out my hair product and took my hair out of the towel.
"Yea sure baby. Let's go princess! You look so cute!" He said as he put Brielle down, he ran out of the bathroom, and she ran after him.
I chuckled when she ran out.
I love them I thought to myself, smiling.

Matt, Gabby, and Alyssa were the first to show up.
"Hey guys!" I said as I let them in.
"Hey! Where's the birthday girl?" Gabby asked as she saw Brielle playing in the living room.
"Auntie Gabby!" Brielle yelled and ran to her.

Brielle's party was a blast. She had so much fun.
By the end of the night she was exhausted.
"You tired Bri?" I asked as the 3 of us laid on the couch, watching some paw patrol with her.
"Yes mommy." She said as she snuggled in my chest.
"Let's get you a bath and to bed ok?" I asked her.
"Ok." She said. We went to her room. I got her undressed and we got her in the bath.
"Hair?" She asked.
"No, we don't need to wash hair today." I told her.

I got her bathed and got her pajamas on.
"Daddy story!" She yelled out as I put her to bed.
"I'll go get daddy." I told her, gave her a kiss.
"Baby... she wants you to read her a story." I smiled at Kelly.
"Ok, let's go." He told me smiling.
Kelly read her a quick story. She fell fast asleep. After that, Kelly and I hung out in the living room.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked Kelly as I sat on his lap on the couch.
"Lucky how?" He asked.
"I got the best husband, and the most beautiful daughter in the world. We both see each other almost everyday. When I get back on shift we'll see each other everyday. We have the best jobs." I smiled up at him and gave him a kiss.
"I love you my love." He told me as he gave me a kiss. "When are you doing back to work?"
"In 6 months. I wanted to spend a little more time with Bri until I go back to work. Cindy says she can watch her while we are on shift. She does have a lot of practice, she has 5 kids." I chuckled.
"Ok, that sounds great! Are you excited to be working again?" Kelly asked me.
"Yes! I love being a mom, but I've been getting Cabin fever these last few months! But even though, I still don't want to leave her! I want to be busy and work again!" I said.
"I'm excited to be working with you again." Kelly smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.


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