Chapter 88

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~Stella's POV~
"Dawson!" I yelled out. I ran over and she was lying in her side. She had a huge gash on her forehead.
"She's barely got a pulse!" I said as I felt her.
"We need another ambo?" Brett asked.
"Yea, call an ambo for the girl! We'll take Gabby to Med!" I said, I started to do compressions on Dawson to get her heart rate back up.

"Main we need another ambo at 720 Jensen ave." Brett said into her radio.
"Ambo is 3 mins out." We heard main say.
"How is she?" Brett asked as I started to hook Dawson up to the monitors.
"Her blood pressure is through the roof. She's unresponsive, And the gash on her head isn't that big." I said.
The other ambo came and they took the other girl. We got Dawson loaded up in the ambo and headed to Med. Dawson woke up on the ride there.

"Where- where am I?" Dawson said as she started to wake up. She felt her head and winced a little in pain.
"You passed out and hit her head on the concrete..." I said.
"I- what?" She asked.
"Yea... you were gripping to the gurney as we were treating the girl, then I noticed you and told you to go to the ambo passenger side in the front and we could get you checked out at Med... what happened?" I asked her.
"Um... I don't know..." she said.

She was super pale.
"You ok? You want something for nausea?" I asked her.
"No!.... Um... just give me the bucket under the gurney..." she said.
I gave her the bucket and she threw up. She was very pale and clammy.

We got to Med.
"Omg you ok? What happened?" Maggie asked as we walked in with Dawson leaning on both of us.
"She passed out and hit her head on the field. Her blood pressure is through the roof, and her head needs it be looked at." Brett said.
"She also threw up twice in the ambo." I said.
"Dr. Manning, Dr. Halstead, bay 3." Maggie said.
We went into the room.

We put Dawson on the bed and They assessed her.
"Alright Gabby, follow the light." Will said as he checked her.
Gabby winced in pain from the light in her eyes.
She closed her eyes.
"Will; I know you mean well, but if you keep that light in my face, I'm gonna throw up." Gabby said.
"You working on truck or ambo today?" Nat asked. She still had her truck uniform on, she didn't have time to change. I guess that's what Nat was referring to.
"I got assigned to ambo last minute, didn't have time to change.. but I'm still on truck for now." Dawson said.
For now? I thought to myself
"Only thing that is up in her BP. Lift up your shirt, we need to make sure you didn't bruise your abdomen." Nat said. I saw Nat mouth something to Gabby, but I couldn't make out what she said.
Gabby shook her head at Nat.

"Alright, can you guys just leave the room for a quick minute?" Nat asked.
"Um... oh-kay?." Brett and I said. We went out to the waiting room then the rest of the firehouse came. Casey came running in first.
"Hey, where she is? What happened?" Casey asked.
"Relax... she's fine." I told him.
"What happened?" Casey asked.

"At the call, when she lifted the patient up onto the gurney, she looked Dizzy and was gripping onto the gurney. Then I told her to go to the Ambo passenger side and we would get her checked her real quick. Then as she was walking to the ambo, she suddenly passed it and hit her head on the ground... she woke up in the ambo and threw up twice. She's in bay 3." I said.
Casey went into Dawson's room and we were all waiting in the waiting room.
After 5 minutes they came out.

"Hey, so what's the verdict?" I asked her.
"They told me that I can continue with the rest of shift. Just a little dizzy spell apparently." Gabby said.
Once she said that, I had a feeling I knew why she didn't want us to be in the room.
"Let's head back to the firehouse." Chief said.
"Stella can you drive? I want to just make sure the ambo is good on the back, since we didn't finish inventory this morning." Brett asked.
"Yea of course. You'll ride passenger?" I asked Gabby.
"Yea let's go." Gabby said.

As we were riding back. I wanted to confirmed my suspicions.
"Gabby.. is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked her.
"What do you mean? No." She said.
"I mean, Nat mouthed something to you, and then you said no. Then Nat told us to get out of the room." I said. "I know you're hiding something."
"I'm not Stella...I promise." Gabby said. I still didn't believe her. But I let it go because I could be wrong.

We got back to the firehouse and Gabby and Matt went straight to Chief's office.
I know they're hiding something.. I thought to myself.

-one week later-
It was now 2am.
Everyone was out on a call. Besides ambo. Foster is still out because she's been helping her sister with her new baby. So Gabby's been on ambo for the past week. I was in Kelly's quarters because I couldn't sleep. So I was just on Kelly's bunk on my computer.
Then I saw Dawson walking around the firehouse. But she kept walking back and forth, until I guess she saw that I was awake and came in.

"Stella?" She asked. I looked up and saw that she was crying.
"Hey... hon why are you crying?" I asked, telling her to sit on the bunk.
She sat on the side of the bunk. I put my laptop down and sat next to her and hugged her.
"I don't know..." she said, she buried her face in my chest.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Why are you crying?" I asked her.
"I'm pregnant..." Gabby said.
"What? You are? Did you just find out?" I asked her.
"No.. Matt and I have know for almost a month now..." she said, showing me her stomach.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.
"I don't know... Matt and I were trying to hide it for a bit.." she said.
"Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Just been sort of panicky all day and hormonal all day." she said. wiping her tears.
"How far along are you?" I asked her.
"I'm turning 15 weeks tomorrow.." she said.
"Am I the only one who knows besides you and Casey?" I asked.
"Only you and Chief know.. and I guess now Kelly will too, you can tell him." She said.
Just as she started to calm down, she started to cry again.
The same thing with both of us is that we both get super emotional and hormonal during our pregnancies.
"How about we take you to Casey's quarters? Let's get up some rest..." I said, getting up and taking her up as well.

We walked over to Casey's quarters and I laid Gabby down in the bed. I rubbed her back as she fell asleep. She finally fully calmed down. I pulled down the blinds in Casey's quarters. Once I heard the vehicles pull in, I made sure Gabby was asleep, and I went over to Casey.
"Captain, can I speak with you?" I asked Casey.
"Yea sure... what's up?" He asked.
I motioned him over to his quarters.
"So Gabby told me that she's pregnant. She came into Kelly's office because I was in there. She was crying and she was super hormonal. I finally got her to calm down and she's now sleeping on your bunk." I whispered as we were outside of his quarters.
"Alright, thanks for that... I'll go with her." He said.
"No problem, congrats by the way!" I said.

Kelly saw me and gave me a hug from behind.
"Why aren't you asleep? It's 2:45 am." He said.
"I was having trouble sleeping, then Gabby came in and needed my help." I said.
"Help with what?" He asked.
"Come in here.." I said as I saw everyone start to come into the bunk room, I took his hand and we went to his office.
"Gabby's pregnant, I noticed her walking around her pacing back and forth. Then she came in here crying. I asked her why was wrong. She told me she's pregnant, said her and Casey have been hiding it for a month. And she's just super emotional and hormonal right now." I said.
"Oh wow, you guys are pregnant again at the same time." Kelly chuckled.

-next morning after shift-
We were just about to leave the firehouse. Kelly and I were outside talking to Gabby and Matt by our car.
"It's so crazy how we have been pregnant together every single time!" I said.
"Yea it is!" Gabby said.
"You guys want to-" I started to say. Then my phone rang. "It's the realtor." I said.
I answered the phone.

Stella: Hello?
Realtor: Hello, may I speak with Stella Severide?
Stella: speaking.
Realtor: ok, this is regarding the house that you and your husband looked at last week.
Stella: did we get it?


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