Chapter 74

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~Stella's POV~
The boys were born. Natalie left and room to let us have an extra couple minutes with the boys before she had to take them. I was so excited to hear Kelly's idea for one of the boy's, and I would tell him mine.

"You go first babe." He told me.
I looked down at the boys and looked at the one in my right arm.
"Jaxson Kelly Severide." I told him.
"I love that baby. You want to name him after me?" He said with tears in his eyes.
"Yea, I love you and I wanted to name one of our sons after you." I told him with a kiss. "Now tell me yours."
"Greyson Benjamin Severide." He told me.
"Aww after Benny?" I said. I loved that we somehow both picked names that matched.
"Yea, I know Benny wasn't the best father, but I know he would've loved to meet the kids." He told me.
"I love it baby. It's crazy how we somehow each picked a name that rhymed." I told him.
"Yea, it is." He said.

Then Natalie and April came in.
"Hey guys! I need to take them now. What are they're names so I can do the birth certificates?" Natalie asked.
"This ones name is Greyson Benjamin Severide, and this ones name is Jaxson Kelly Severide." I told her. I gave Jaxson to April and Greyson to Natalie.
"Aww those names are so cute!" April said.
"Oh, bye the way, the whole firehouse is here. But I'm assuming you would just want Gabby, Matt, and the girls in here first?" Natalie said.
"Yea, could you just bring them in for now?" I said.
"Of course." Nat said.

Then they came in after 5 minutes.
"Hey! Heard the delivery went smooth!" Gabby said as she came in.
"Yea! Thank god I've had 3 successful deliveries!" I said.
"So, will you tell me their names now?" Gabby said.
Then Nat and April came back with the boys.
"Are you carrying the same one I gave you?" I asked them.
"Yup!" April said.
"Ok, so this one's Jaxson Kelly Severide." I said, taking Jaxson from April and giving him to Gabby.
"And this one is Greyson Benjamin Severide." Kelly said taking Greyson from Nat.
"Aww, they're adorable!" Gabby said.
"Mommy can I hold them? What's their names?" Brielle asked as she tried to climb on the bed.
"Look Bri, sit right here, and Auntie Gabby will give you Jaxson." Matt said as he helped her on. He sat her close to me, so I could help her hold him.

"Jaxson.. can we call him Jax?" Brielle said as she held him. I helped her hold him.
"Yea.. sure honey, I like that nickname." I smiled at her.
"Who's that?" Addilynn said pointing to Greyson in Kelly's arm.
"This is Greyson, you want to hold him?" Kelly asked Addie.
"Yes please." She said.
Gabby got Addilynn up on the bed next to Bri and Kelly helped her hold Greyson.
"Omg I gotta get a photo, this is too cute." Gabby said. She got her phone out and took pictures of our family of 6.
"You better send me those later." I laughed.


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