Chapter 89

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~Stella's POV~
Realtor: the house is yours! Congrats!
Stella: oh my god, thanks so much! When can we meet to get the keys and paperwork?
Realtor: I'm actually free now! Meet you guys in 30 minutes?
Stella: yes! Thank you so much!

"We got it?!" Kelly asked excitedly.
"Yes! we got the house!" I said. Kelly picked me up and hugged me.
"When can we get the keys and paperwork?" He asked.
"We can meet her in 30 minutes!" I said.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" Gabby said.
"You guys need us to pick up the kids while you guys go look at the house?" Casey asked.
"That's 7 kids, you guys don't even have enough space in your car!" I laughed.
"Yea well, put all the car seats in the trunk and make them all sit there. They would fit." Gabby laughed.
"Is that even safe?" Kelly chuckled.
"As long as we don't get pulled over." Gabby laughed.
"Alright let's go!" I said.

Kelly and I drove to the house and met up with the realtor.
"Hello! Here are the keys and I just need you guys to sign here, here... and here." The realtor said.
We signed everything and got the keys.
"You guys can move in as soon as possible! Enjoy!" The realtor said.
"Thank you so much!" I said.

Kelly and I opened up the house and went inside.
"This is ours now." I told Kelly with tears in my eyes.
"I know. I'm so excited." Kelly told me with a kiss.
We walked around the house and looked at the bedrooms.
"This one could be Brielle's room. And she has her own bathroom and closet." I said, standing in one of the bedrooms.
"And then this could be Addilynn's room. She has her own bathroom as well and a closet." Kelly said, going to another bedroom.
"The boys' room." Kelly said as we walked into another room.
"And this little ones room." I smiled and rubbed my stomach as we stood in what would become the nursery.

"We should go home.. tell the kids and start packing." Kelly said, he hugged me from behind and kissed me on the neck.
"How long do you think it would take to get moved in?" I asked him.
"We could... move in tonight... all we really need are some clothes.. our mattresses, and bed sheets. and toiletries. Just like as if we were packing for a vacation." Kelly said.
"Just with mattresses and bedsheets." I laughed.
"Yep." He laughed.
"And food? Towels?" I asked.
"We can bring those too. You wanna do it or not?" He laughed.
"Yes! Sorry I'm trying to think rationally here!"
I laughed.

We went to Gabby's house, picked up the kids and went home.
"Hey guys, we have something to tell you guys." I told the kids as we were all eating a snack in the kitchen.
"What is it? Are we in trouble?" Addilynn asked.
"Should you be?" Kelly laughed.
"What is it?" Brielle asked.
"We're moving!" I said.
"Really?! Will I finally have my own room again?!" Brielle asked excitedly.
"Yes honey you will. You guys excited?" I asked.
"We'll still share a room right?" Jaxson asked, pointing to Greyson. The boys love sharing a room. It must be a twin connection.

"Yup! And the house has a big room upstairs on the 3rd floor that is a big playroom that we'll put all your toys in!" Kelly said.
"When are we moving???" Brielle and Addilynn asked.
"Well... daddy was thinking about tonight. We can take the mattresses over, bring some clothes, and we can spent the weekend slowing moving everything." I said.
"Really?! Can we start a bag each now?" Brielle almost jumped out of her seat.
"Yea sure honey!" I chuckled.

"Hey, I'm gonna put the girls' mattresses in my car, I'll put them in their rooms, make their "beds" and then I'll come back for the other mattresses. You wanna get all the bags and toiletries stuff packed up?" He asked me.
"Yea sure. I'll pack us each a bag to last us a few days. I'll pack up all our toiletries and towels. We can get takeout and we can continue tomorrow." I said.
"Alright sounds like a plan." He smiled.
"It's already 3pm. We should get a move on because I know bringing all the mattresses will take at least two hours." I chuckled.

Kelly took the girls mattresses first. While he was gone. I packed us each a bag. Packed the boys each a bag, and helped the girls pack theirs.
"Mommy, will we have to change schools?" Brielle asked.
"No honey, we made sure you guys would stay in the same school district." I said.
"When is baby sister coming?" Addilynn asked, putting her hand on my stomach.
"Soon honey, in 11 weeks!" I said.

Finally Kelly got all the mattresses put in the new house. He came back to the house.
"Hey, I got the mattresses in the house. You guys ready?" Kelly asked.
"What about everything else?" Brielle asked.
"We'll be getting that all done and moved throughout the next few weeks." I said.
"Let's go see the new house!" Addilynn said.

We got to the new house and the kids were in awe. They loved the house and loved their new rooms. We played around with the kids for a bit before they went to bed.
Kelly and I were laying in our "bed".
"I can't believe this house is actually ours..." I said looking at the empty room.
"Yea it's crazy..." Kelly said.
"So tomorrow, we have no food, no fridge, no anything in this house. So we should go eat something. And then maybe we could ask Casey if he could help you?" I suggested.
"That sounds good. We should try to see how much we could get done. You want Casey and I to do it, it's all lifting anyways. So you and Gabby can have a funday with the kids." Kelly said.
"Alright that sounds fun!" I said.

-next day-
We woke up, got breakfast, and the kids and I went to Gabby's house.
"Hey Severides!" Gabby said as she answered the door.
The kids ran off and played and Gabby and I were in her kitchen.
"You want something to drink? I got juice, this piña colada slushy thing, iced tea, lemonade..." she said. I don't think she knows that I cannot do sweets this pregnancy.
"I'll just have water." I said.
"How far along are you again?" Gabby asked me.
"I turn 30 weeks in a couple days... and I'm getting even more tired." I chuckled.
"You still working on ambo?" She asked.
"Yes imma try to.. are you gonna transfer to ambo?" I asked her.
"Yea, probably soon, but we'll see. I'm already 16 weeks, so I have to get off of truck soon." She said.
"You guys find out the gender?" I asked her.
"Yes, but Casey and I are only going to tell you guys. But we'll tell you guys when we're all together." She said.

It was now 8pm and we were with Gabby all day.
I got a text from Kelly saying that they were done for the day.

We went home and saw that all the rooms were done and so were all the bathrooms, the home office, and living room.
"It looks so great babe!" I said as we walked around the house.
"Thanks you guys!" I hugged Kelly and Matt.
"Yea no problem! We can get everything else done after next shift since it's not that much more." Matt said.

We hung out for only 20 minutes before Gabby and Matt left.
"Alright what do you guys want for dinner?" I asked the kids.
"Pasta!" Jaxson asked.
"Anything but pasta please." I laughed. The kids love pasta but they have it like 4 times a week.
"Grilled cheese?" Addilynn asked.
"Alright. You guys want fries too?" I asked, looking in the freezer for a little side thing they could eat with it.
"Yea!" They all said.

I made dinner. We all ate and it was now 10pm.
The kids did not want to do to sleep.
"Mommy can we watch TV?" The kids asked.
"We haven't had the cable set up yet guys. But, how about I get my computer and you can guys watch something on there?" I suggested.
All the kids agreed and I logged into paramount+ and they watched sponge-bob for a bit before they all got very tired.
We got the kids to bed. We had shift tomorrow.


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