✨Chapter 21: The Prank✨

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"So? Why are you here in the first place?" Donghyuck asked before glaring at the two boys who gulped trying to think of a reasonable excuse. 

"This is the book you're looking for then, you were close," Donghyuck said before chucking the book in Mark's direction.

Mark saw it and caught it quickly and easily with one hand. He opened the book to see it was exactly what was wanted. Black cover, blood-coloured red writing with emerald green images. Looking up in awe at how fast Donghyuck was to find the book he was about to ask some questions before the boy gripped Jaemin's hand.

"From now onwards, don't involve Jaemin in any of your mischievous stuff unless I am there and we won't speak any of this to you or the others over there. Let's get out of here I need to tell you some important stuff," Donghyuck said pulling Jaemin and giving him a potion that caused both of them to become invisible and then they quickly left. 

It was then Jeno and Renjun saw Mark standing alone with the book Renjun described in his hands. They didn't care about that unfortunately and asked straight about the absence of the other boy.

"Mark, where is Jaemin? Oh, you have the book!" Gasped Renjun when he took the book and turned to the page that had all the details of becoming an Animagus.

Jeno looked worried about Jaemin's disappearance but Mark assured him that Jaemin wouldn't be able to get caught and he was safely in the Slytherin dorms as he showed him the map.

"Mark you surely are a special boy. You better let me use the map and cloak as well!" Jeno whispered when the three were under the cloak. 

Scoffing Mark agreed but knew that in the wrong hands, the 2 objects could get him in trouble. Mark first dropped off Renjun because of Jeno's request and then dropped Jeno off. Guilty, Mark wanted to tell the boys that Donghyuck was there and that Jaemin no longer had to act like he hated the friendship group.

It didn't feel like his place to say that though. He also didn't want Jeno to know because the boy was very protective of the fact that Donghyuck was a 'bad' person with 'bad' beliefs and Mark couldn't agree any less despite Jaemin saying he isn't and he is just corrupted.


As you know Donghyuck is a very smart boy. His intelligence is beyond Renjun's who learns from the books and hard work to memorise. Although Renjun was on top for History of Magic, Charms and Transfiguration he couldn't beat Donghyuck's scores for Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology, even so Renjun knew Donghyuck could be better than him at everything.

Unlike Renjun, Donghyuck doesn't need to work hard to get the grades as his private tutors have taught him all the knowledge from a younger age. As for his parents when they find out that a 'mud-blood' was doing better than him, let's say it was a good thing Professor Nakamoto was around to make some excuses for Donghyuck's slacking.

As for Jaemin, he knew this and it was the main reason why Donghyuck ended up being able to find him in the restricted section. Jaemin hoped that Donghyuck believed it was the reason for his constant disappearances but Donghyuck was smart enough to know that wasn't the truth.

"You keep disappearing in the middle of the night. You meet with Lee and his gang of dreamers before disappearing and it is not to go to the library, you do that anyway, but why?" exposed Donghyuck making Jaemin's blood turn cold.

Peeking at Donghyuck from the corner of his eye he made eye contact before closing his mouth to make sure he doesn't say anything. He then saw Renjun in the distance and decided to run to him and avoid Donghyuck's question properly. 

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