🔮Chapter 15: Dreams of The Past (Part 2)🔮

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A Green flash from a wand. 

If he wasn't dead right then... where was he? 

Looking at his surrounding he soon realised he was in a house. You could say it wasn't glamorous or anything, just normal. It was a wizard's house from the portraits that talked loudly. 

There were photos of young teens on the wall as well as a few family portraits that Mark couldn't properly identify who the faces were as they were partially blurred. 

As he walked down the hall he was in, he began hearing voices. There were sounds of a child giggling as a mother spoke some words to them and a father laughing along with them. 

The closer he got, the quicker he realised that there were four adults and two children. One thing for certain though was that they seemed familiar. 

Soon two of the parents got up both with blonde coloured hair but the mother with a few parts of her hair in black. The mother then called for her child who had hazelnut-coloured hair. The said child ran to his mother, getting picked up by her and taken out of the house. 

Then there were three left in the room. The child yawned before rushing over to his mother and falling asleep in her arms as she stroked his hair gently. The father then took the child from the mother's hands as they both went to tuck the boy into bed. 

Up the stairs they went, tucking the boy into bed before a loud crash echoed like someone had broken into their house, and someone did. Unknown who it was the parents looked at each other before the father got up saying some words to the mother.

Mark saw as the father walked past him taking out a wand and slowly walking away from the room that looked like it made everyone happy that was in it. 

Little did Mark know he would never see that man again as an emerald light flashed by the stair entrance. Screams were then filled as a hooded figure slowly made its way towards Mark, their wand pointing at Mark and once again creating a green light that flared.

Mark squinted his eyes so badly that his vision became blurry and he could no longer see who the person was despite being in an ideal position to see who it was. However, he was easily able to decipher the words unleashed out of the figure's mouth over the sound of hundreds of deadly screaming.



"WAKE UP MARK!" Lucas boomed.

"HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" Mark clamoured instantly jolting awake.

Sweat was once again soaking his body as he slowly sat up straight his head stinging like hell from a single dream one that didn't repeat like it normally did. This time it was worse than the previous ones he had. This time he saw a whole innocent-looking family die before his eyes.

Unfortunately, Mark didn't realise his irises were completely apple green and practically glowing causing everyone to gasp at him.

"Mark your-"

"Hendery, get Jaehyun! Now!" Lucas commanded, interrupting what Hendery was going to say and watching as the said boy rushed through the doorway to find Jaehyun.

When it came to Mark's dreams, they all knew Mark talked in his sleep sometimes in a mix between English and another language that nobody understood. One thing for certain is that it used lots of whispery sounds.

But today wasn't like the other days. 

Normally Mark would say his dreams were about planning pranks on the Slytherins which Lucas and Hendery always loved to hear about. This is mainly because Mark did have the best ideas when it came to pranks, but they didn't know that the boy was lying because the plans were so vivid and they always succeeded. 

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