Goldric x m!reader: unsupportive parents

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My parents wanted me to join them for dinner instead of me eating in my room. I heard my mom call me down and I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way downstairs.

"Y/N, please take a seat." My mother said, something a couldn't quite put my mind on, was laced into her sentence. I sat down and right when I was about to take a bite of the food in front of me my mom spoke up again.

"Y/N, you know we love you right? And we just want the best for you.." She looked at me with a fake smile as she held my dad's hands.

"Yess..?" I answered, not so sure.  Slowly putting a piece of food in my mouth.

"We have noticed some... Things" My father finally spoke. He had venom in the last word, it made me set my fork down and fully look up at them.

"You've been spending a lot of your time with this guy-friend of yours." My mother slowly spoke. I froze. I knew what they were getting at now.

"Yea?" I questionly glared at them.

"He is just a friend right?" She hopefully said, she almost looked desperate.

"And if he's not?" I snapped, still glaring.

"Then your going to camp. Away from here. Away from us and away. From. Him." My father growled out. I gasped and quickly stood up. Looking at them in shock.

"Its for your own good, Sweetie" My mother started. "We don't want you becoming one of them." She spat out the last word. I stared at them in shock.

"You cant do that!" I yelled. I wasn't going to some stupid camp for something I can't help. I ran to my room, my father yelling at me from behind. I panicked. They were gonna send me away. I had to leave, something! I quickly grabbed a bag and shoved important and  necessary things into the bag. I then grabbed my satchel which held my art stuff. I was about to fly away on my staff when I noticed the stuffed dragon toy I had since I was little. I grabbed the stuffie and flew away to one of my boyfriend's house.

I knocked on Edric's window, tears streaming down my face. He opened it with a confused, tired face. Hunter came up from behind him and fulling woke up quicker than Edric. He gasped at the sight of me crying and pulled me in.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong, darling?!" He panicked as he helped grab the bags from off of me. Eric finally fully woke up and sat down on the ground with us, rubbing my back. I explained to them everything that happened, my palismen got off its staff and nudged my arm in support. I pet their head and sniffled.

"Welcome to the club." Edric laughs before standing up and doing a spell that says in big words 'Unsupportive parents club!'. He waved his hands and spun around which made me laugh.

"Its gonna be okay. We won't let them send you away." Hunter said with a smile.

"They thankfully only know about one of you. They would've killed me right then and there if they knew about both of you guys." I explained sadly. The two males looked at each other in concern.

"Haha! Imagine that! I already have homophobic parents! Imagine how they'll react when they find out I'm in a relationship with TWO guys!" I laughed manically. The tall boy sat back down again and looked at me with sad eyes. Hunter stared sadly at the window, knowing they all have had the same thought before.

"Hey.. Its okay. We'll get through this together." Edric said grabbing both our hands and pulled us into bed.

"Now, let's get some sleep. We all need it." Hunter nodded in agreement and I did as well. They snuggled me in between them and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


It was a few days later. I was finally gonna go back home. Hunter and Edric were gonna tag along but stay hidden, and only come out if needed.

"Hey! Y'know if you parents still don't support you, I have a absolutely adorable little hide out place, perfect for you, that you can stay in!" Edric chimes, trying to cheer me up.

"That sounds nice..." I drift off. Hunter walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Its gonna be okay... We aren't gonna let anything happen." He tightens his grip and I smile, pulling Edric in the hug.

"Okay... I think I'm ready." I say nervously.

I slowly walk up to the door. I look over to the side and see Edric and Hunter hiding in a bush. I slowly knock on the dreaded door, earning a thumbs up from Edric before he's pushed down by Hunter.

"Yes..?" I hear a stuffy woman call as the door finally opens. Then a gasp as she sees who it is. I keep a straight face and tense slightly. Tears form in her eyes and she sobs out, pulling me into a hug.

"My baby! I'm so so so sorry..." She cries out. I was confused.

"What..?" I say pulling back.

"I'm sorry, my boy. I don't want you to leave. WE don't want you to leave." She explained. My father came from behind her and stared sadly, but he was clearly disappointed. I glared at him and turned to my mother.

"Then why would you say those things in the first place." I growl out. She looked shocked that I didnt come crying back into her arms.

"We didnt know what to do.. We didnt know what people would think.." She avoided eye contact.

"You care more about your social life than you fucking child?!" I yelled angrily at them. She looked shocked.

"We learned from that!" She desperately called. My father tensed but slowly nodded.

"It is going to take some getting used to.. But its better than having you hate us forever... And we losing our baby boy." My mother closed her eyes and lets the tears fall. I slightly relaxed.

"Its a start.." I said with a small smile. She lightened up a bit and my father slightly relaxed as well.

"But if it is okay with you... I want to continue staying with my boyfriend for a while..." I started. "Only until I'm comfortable and you guys are comfortable, then... Then I will come back." I explain with a smile. My mother sadly nods and so does my father. I hug them goodbye and the 3 of us make our way home.

"Well that could've gone worse-" Edric said, pulling me into him. Hunter was laying his hesd on my lap and nodded.

"Yea." I said, closing my eyes and just enjoying my boyfriend's company.

I hope you all enjoyed this! And I'm so sorry for the people who have to go through this and don't get a happy ending... But I will always support you guys!❤ I might make a part 2 to this but idk- depends if you guys want a part 2!

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