[23] GOTTA BE.

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"Do not lose hope, please believe that there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you

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"Do not lose hope, please believe that there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you. Sunshine comes to all who feel rain."
-R.M. Drake

"So good." I said to Carol in between mouth fulls of food.

She has cooked for everyone this morning. It was probably the best breakfast that I've had in a while, hunting's been difficult lately. Loads of walkers are piling up against the fences, creating a loud amount of noise which then scares of any animals. It was a good job Daryl went on a long hunting trip yesterday, he was lucky enough to bring a deer back.

"Slow down, your food's not going anywhere. You'll choke!" Carol laughed from beside me.

That was the least of my worries today. There's a big run that a few of us are going on and the only thing I'm thinking of is who are we going to loose. It was an awful thing to think but whenever I went out the gates it always slipped through my mind.

A bunch of 'good morning Daryl' and 'hey's' were thrown Robins way as he made his way towards Carol and I, grabbing his breakfast.

Laughing at the attention he's receiving I told him. "Relish it, it's the closest you'll get to being famous." Attention made him nervous although he was getting better at dealing with it. The first few days he would merely respond with a grunt or purely ignore it all, at least six weeks later he is responding with proper words that were written in the English dictionary.

"Shut up."

Carol laughed before adding. "Just so you know, I liked you first."

"Stop." Daryl moaned in between bites of food.

We ate and spoke in between mouths full of food everything felt normal or the closest anyone would ever get to normal at the end of the world.

Theo had finally started warming up to people which meant while I was on runs it would be okay to leave him with some of the group.

Rick still wasn't overly keen on venturing outside the gates just yet so he stuck to farming and looking after both his children. The council was working well together, Hershel really was a wise leader a voice that overpowered us all and it was nice to listen to each other rather than argue about what's right and what isn't.

"I need you both to see something." Carol gestured towards Daryl and I. "Patrick, you want to take over?" She asked a kid that looked to be a little older than Carl.

He took over watching the food cook then his attention was diverted to Daryl. "Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to say thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat sir. And I'd be honoured to shake your hand."

One way or another [Daryl Dixon]Where stories live. Discover now