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"Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you

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"Don't be afraid of losing people, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please everyone around you."

Following Daryl's trail wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Each time I came across a bolt he left weather if was embedded in bark or simply left on the floor; I picked it up and put it in my own quiver.

If I ever found him and didn't have his bolts he would use my own bow an arrow to shoot me.

He must've started to run out of bolts not long ago because now little pieces of his shirt was left instead.

Every now and then I came across the odd dead walker, I'd bend down inspect the blood to see how fresh it was.

The walker I was bent over checking at the moment had a small head wound swiftly pulling out one of Daryl's bolts I stuck it in the small wound that had killed the walker.

It was like Cinderella found her shoe, it was the perfect fit.

Daryl killed this one which meant I was on the right track.

After trudging through the woods for a little while longer I stopped as I came to a clearing.

It looked like a golf course of some sort and not far ahead was what seemed to be the clubhouse.

Of all places why would he go to a clubhouse?

Staying in the woods looking out to the clearing I had an intern battle with myself.

I hadn't left the woods since I stepped foot in them after the prison. They offered some sort of shelter it was harder to get spotted with the thousands of trees offering there protection. If I stepped out into this open land I was putting myself at risk, anyone could see me.

But at this point what do I really have to loose. Everyone I already know is dead.

For all I know I could be following a ghost again I may as well take my chances.

My heart rate rose as I thought of all the possible scenarios I could be walking into right now. The main door was locked shut, the only door that wasn't locked was a side door.

Daryl did it. So can you.

But he's a Dixon.

I argued with myself back and forth.

Anything a man can do a woman can do better.

My subconscious reminded me.

One way or another [Daryl Dixon]Where stories live. Discover now