Chapter 17

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The next few days Tommy spend all day and all night studying the information about the human body, most importantly the arm. How to cut, how to clean the infection, and remove sharp stuff out of it. While also improving his design for what Sako asked for.

He was fortunate enough that Oboro was willing for him to have one of the spare rooms that he mostly use for storage, for Tommy's studies. It was small but Tommy made it work, the bright side was that it was quiet, and he wouldn't be bugging his teacher with the room being crowded with books, notes all over the wall. Another thing he liked, was that he could lock the door. Keeping everyone out so they wouldn't disturb him, just how he likes it.

He would only come out for two meals, as he didn't need to rely on candles in the room with the ring he had stolen. If he needed light all he would have to do was touch something around him and the area would light up. Though he did find it annoying as he has to recast it every hour.

Though Tommy likes being alone in his area, with only his close friend Henry. He knows that the other group is starting to get worried for him, as he heard another knock on the door. The boy rolled his eyes and went back to reread his book for the third time, making sure he didn't miss anything. Tommy makes a mental note to join them around dinner time so they can stop bothering him.

After an hour he decided to grab his book, unlock the door and head out to the front, seeing the same people who come around to have a pint after a long day of work. Oboro sees him and gave him friendly waves as he works around tables and chairs making the people happy.

Immediately he wants to go back to his room and finish the book he has in hand. He tries to before bumping into someone, blocking the way to the back. It was the half-elf.

"And where do you think your going little man?" He had his arms crossed.

"I was going to try to get some reading done. Judging by you, I'm assuming that's not happening." Tommy smirks at him.

"You can read at the table. Come on, Oboro want to test out his stew. He spent all day making it." Techno informed him as he start nudging him to the table where Aizawa and Wilbur were waiting on him.

Tommy slowly sighs and went over to the table, sitting down.

"There you are. I was starting to think that you got attacked by a rat in there." Aizawa tries to joke.

The boy shrugs as Techno takes a seat next to him. Tommy looks at the stew, smelling nothing but meat in it, seeing a few vegetables floating on top of a gray-like liquid. He could see the oil sitting on top of it, floating, glittering again the lights around them. The blonde could feel his appetite disappearing the longer he look at it.

Eventually, he open up his book and went back to reading. Hearing muttering from the three as he does, yet he doesn't pay attention to them as he gets lost in his book.

"Well as you can see, Wilbur is out of bed." Aizawa tries to strike up a conversation.

"Hell yeah! Isn't that loggers? Pog-gers? Am I saying that right?" Wilbur asks with a smile.

Tommy just shrugs, not really in the mood to say much. He needs to figure this out before Sako notices the necklace is gone. He could explain that a bird gave it to him, but who would believe that. Sako may be a traveling sell man, but he also has stuff that might kill them. He can't risk that.

"I apologized to Drista and made it up to her by playing princess and knights. You know she was wondering if you can be the scary dragon for us." Techno chuckles.

"You think I can be the horse the knight ride on," Wilbur spoke up.

"I don't see why not you look like a horse already." He jokes.

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