Chapter 15

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Upon opening his eyes he was back in the Black Forest, not long the leaves whirl around him, greeting him back as he chuckles and giggles at them. Tommy watches them fly up before gliding back over to the trees. The boy smiles for a moment before looking around noticing something off. There was a new red creek flowing across near the forest, it wasn't glowing, nor was it like the golden leaves.

As the blonde walk over to it, he could hear the rushing water of it. He could see the rocks, or what he assumes were rocks as they were completely black like the base of the trees, making a small path to get across. However, he would have to jump.

When crouching down to the water he didn't see his reflection in it. He slowly reaches his hand into it, letting the water go better his fingers.

He snickers a bit. "It's just water that red, how strange." He talked to himself as he gets his hand out of the water and flick it, trying to dry it off.

Tommy slowly looks up to stare at the emptiness across the creek, only to see the man with bright green eyes from his vision. In an instant, as they saw each other they became like deers staring at headlights. The boy could hear his heart race.

When he unclenches his jaw all that came out was stutter and the man soon ran into the abyss.

"HEY WAIT!" Tommy yells immediately going after him.

He jumps from rock to rock reaching the end. The boy jumps and rolls to his feet before dashing after the man. Easily catching up to him as he tackled him down.

However, when he got up to start questioning again he was in a stone yard, filled with flower bushes, a stone path, and a thing spitting out water.

"What the fuck?" He muttered to himself as he walks over to the strange stone spitting out water.

It looks like it was made out of stone as it squirts water out from the top, only to have it land into a small pool of water, that for some reason has golden coins in them. He soon got distracted by his reflection, noticing how young he looks. The boy can only guess maybe four by the chubby face he has.

As he gets closer to his reflection he suddenly felt a hand on his head and shove him into the water. Without thinking he tries to struggle and scream to get away from it, yet the hand was too strong as it forced him to stay under till he felt like he would run out of breath.

He considered giving up for a moment before feeling the hand retreat. Immediately he lifts his head out of the water breathing heavily along with coughing from sucking some on the water. The boy heard someone laughing at his near-death experience. Tommy looks at the sound only to see Wilbur.

"Oh, I got you good!" He laughs out

"I'm telling Aizawa this you prick!" Tommy yelled at him not finding it funny.

"Oh watch your mouth before mum hears you." He ruffles the boy's hair. "Just a little brotherly fun." He then adds

"Brotherly? You nearly killed me!"

Wilbur started pulling on the boy's cheek. "Aw, your so cute when you're mad. I can just squeeze you to death, and it wouldn't be that hard."

Tommy's eyes widened at him as he tries to get away from him but before he could Wilbur pull him into a headlock, ruffling the hair.

"I'm kidding! I kid!" He laughs.

Tommy huffs as he was soon let go before feeling a sharp pain running against his shoulder. By just reaction, he flinches and tries to grip onto the painful area as he hisses. The brunette dress in black noticed it.

Brothers: A Tale of a Bird and a SonWhere stories live. Discover now