9 Aman is IN

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Part 9 Aman is IN

Deepak was there to give an interview in AR. Maybe, he didn't get any working woman to get settled with...

Arnav's business mind worked faster. The communication fellow found the last incoming number... Khushi's number. Arnav smirked, seeing the number. He dialed.

Khushi attended it.

*Who is this? * Khushi asked.

*Arnav Singh Raizada...*

There was silence on Khushi's side. How did he get her number?

*Arnav Sir, I already told you... I can't do the job...*

*Why Khushi? *

*I... just...*

*You can tell me anything... then only I can understand the issue...* he tried not to get angry.

*Ok... if I act as your wife, I have to be with you in your room... how could I be...? * her voice sounded worried.

Here, it came... Aman was right. She thinks the same way Aman thinks.

*I'm sorry, sir. Don't mistake me...*

*Do you think I will misbehave with you? * he came to the point directly.

Khushi was silent.

*We are in need of your help. How will I misbehave with you? Can't you leave my place if I do anything like that? Won't it ruin our whole plan? Do you think I would not have thought about it? If that's what your problem is... just leave it... actually, I called you to tell you something*

*Whaaat? *

*Deepak is here in my office to give an interview. But I think he is here to back check me... he is waiting in the reception... what do you want me to do, Khushi? *

Khushi bit her nail.

*You can tell me later... Bye...* Arnav disconnected the call smirking.

Khushi was tensed. Did Arnav call her to tell her about Deepak? Is Deepak really there to give an interview? What if he gets a job in Arnav's company? He will get to know that there is nothing called a relationship between her and Arnav. What could she do now? She needs money to go Abroad. It takes time for her to save money. How could she save money if she gives her salary to the home children? How could she handle Deepak? He is an irritating idiot after all. Khushi sighed.

On the other side, Arnav was continuously smiling. He knew Khushi won't deny him. He no needs to call her anymore. Let her call him. Taking the intercom, he dialed Aman.

*Yes, ASR*

*There is a candidate called Deepak... appoint him in any post*

*Ok, ASR* Aman disconnected the call and Arnav looked at the receiver raising his brows. It seems Aman was in tension. Yes, he was tensed like hell. Not because he had to conduct an interview... it's because Khushi said NO to their plan. She is the sole reason of his disappointment. What could they do now? Arnav already declared that Khushi is his wife... Damn ASR... couldn't he say she is his girlfriend? They could have told Arnav and Khushi broke up if he had declared her his girlfriend... now they don't have that chance too... he sighed.

That's when Lavanya called Aman.

*Haan, La...*

*What happened, Ammu? You sound low... *

*Khushi denied acting ASR's wife*

*Whaaaaat! * Lavanya was horrified.

*Yes... don't know what we are going to do... I think we have to tell them the truth about our love before they get to know about ASR's drama*

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