12 Khushi is ready

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Part 12 Khushi is ready

*Try to get a good name from Raizadas... try to get close to them* Aman said.

*Ammu, didn't you sense the drawback in your idea? *

*What drawback? *

*Raizadas will be heartbroken when she leaves RM if she gets close to them*

*What do you want her to do then? Should she fight with them? *

*No, I mean...*

*If Khushi behaves rudely with Raizadas not to make them feel bad, Raizadas will feel, you are better than Khushi* Aman said.

Lavanya was stunned. Yes, Raizadas are sentimentalists... they will surely feel so. She nodded yes hurriedly.

*Khushi, don't get tensed... just be like how you want to be. Lavanya will be there for you... ASR will protect you from any problem. Don't worry...*

Khushi nodded ok.

*Shall I go to the office, La?* Aman asked.

*Ok... you just carry on... I will tell Khushi everything*

*See you, Khushi*


Aman left the house. Lavanya took a seat next to Khushi.

*What about Mr. Raizada's parents? *

*ASR's parents passed away in an accident. At that time, ASR was in London, studying. Bhabi told me, he was broken like hell and didn't talk to anyone. He likes his mother very much... now he likes his sister very much. He is tolerating my brother only for his sister...* Lavanya told the truth.

*Why don't you guys tell your brother about your love? Amanji looks not poor*

*Of course, he is not poor but he is not as rich as ASR...*


*Naniji is a culture and spiritual freak whereas Mami is a makeup freak... NK likes the book, Akash like Payal, his wife... Shali and Shamli are very naughty... but good girls*

Lavanya told her many things and incidents that happened with Raizadas. Khushi laughed, smiled, giggled, cried, felt heartwarming... what not?

*This is the first time; I hear deep down about a family. It feels so good... but I don't know how I'm going to cope-up with your family* Khushi said nervously.

*Don't worry, Khushi... you will pick up everything soon*

*I don't know cooking... I don't even know how to turn the stove ON*

*I will teach you...*

*Will you? *

*Why not? Sure*

Khushi nodded ok getting relaxed.

*Thank you Lavanyaji. I really am feeling relaxed after meeting you.*

*Cut the JI down... call me Lavanya or La...*

Khushi nodded ok with a smile.

*Let's prepare lunch* Lavanya said.

Khushi nodded ok excitedly. They went to the kitchen.

*Khushi, this is the place where you have to be careful because you are dealing with fire... ok? *

She nodded ok.

*We will prepare tea first and then basic dishes prepared in RM often*


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