49 Love and Love only

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Part 49 Love and Love only

Arnav tucked Khushi's hair gently who was adoring his action with a smile.

"I like your family very much..." Khushi said.

"OUR family... they became your family too..."

She nodded yes.

"I feel lucky to have them as mine"

"You are..."

"Yes, I'm. This kind of life is a dream for a girl like me. I never think I would get a family... forget about this kind of a friendly family..."

"You know what Khushi... just because someone has family, they can't be lucky. Do you know neither I used to talk to my family members nor did spend time with them?"

Khushi flinched a back a little.

"Is it? I thought you are a jovial person. But, why didn't you like to spend time with them?"

"No particular reason... I didn't feel to... I just spoke to my Di... that's all..."

Khushi looked at him wondering.

"Didn't you have a TOUCH with your family?"

"I felt TOUCHED for the first time when I met you..." he said with a soft smile.

That made Khushi dumbstruck. Arnav smiled, seeing her expression.

"You don't know how much love I have for you. you can't get to know that until you come close to me... get close to me and get to know my love, Khushi"

Taking her hand, he kept it on his chest.

"Do you feel the heat of my heart?" he swallowed hard, making her gulped hard.

"There is a fire in my heart... when it beats for you, the fire sparkle Khushi. it's an effect of the unspoken words I saved in my heart. Words are not enough to express my feelings... I can't explain how much my heart and body desires for you. You can feel the fire only if you embrace me." he swallowed hard.

Khushi became emotional. Her eyes got to tear up. In no time, she embraced him, making him smile. He reciprocated the hug passionately.

"Break the wall that is in between us and come to me Khushi. just erase the distance between us... I need you, Khushi... nothing more than that"

"I'm sorry for not accepting you... I was hesitant Arnavji... because of your wealth, I didn't feel comfortable to accept the role of Raizada Bahu"

"Wealth doesn't matter at all, Khushi. I would have been the poorest in the world if you don't accept my love. It doesn't matter what we have but WHO we have..."

"I have you"

"I'm glad about it" he kissed her knuckle.

Palming his face, she came over him, flipping him underneath her. She read his face taking plenty of time. Arnav was also looking at her without disturbing her. He craved to see what she would do. She started pressing her lips on his face inch by inch. That was the response to all the emotions that he seeded in her. Arnav closed his eyes when she sucked his thick lower lip. He didn't reciprocate her doesn't mean he didn't want to. He just wanted to experience the moment purely. At one point, he could no longer hold himself. He changed the scene drowning into the kiss. Breaking the kiss, she kept her cheek on his, closing her eyes. Arnav smiled delightedly. He locked her in between his arms. They stayed for a while. Both were relaxing... Arnav was relaxed because Khushi accepted him. Khushi was relaxed because she accepted him.

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