39 Wedding Certificate

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Part 39 Wedding Certificate


Arnav got the wedding papers registration done. After sending the message about the certificate to Aman, he started to RM with Khushi.

Deepak was confused as Aman did nothing with him. He didn't know why they bring him to AR.

"Why did you bring me here?" Deepak asked.

"Why did you give a fake letter to Raizadas?" Aman asked him seriously.

"The letter given by me was not a fake one. Whatever I wrote on it is true" he said without fear.

"Do you know about whom you are talking? She is not just Khushi but Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada" Aman said in an intimidating tone.

"It's a lie... Khushi is not ASR's wife. She is acting like that..." Deepak said.

"Why should she act as his wife? What's necessary? Do you know what ASR's reputation in this society is? Do you think he can even let someone enter into his family who is not related to him?" Aman questioned him to confuse him.

Deepak became thoughtful.

"Do you think your letter would have created the problem in Raizada mansion?" he asked sarcastically.

"I... I... have no doubt in it..." he stammered.

"Why are you saying that doubtfully?" Aman smiled.

Deepak was silent.

"Ok... if you are so confident about it, why should not you go to RM directly and tell them the truth?" He asked making Deepak astonished.

"Do you think I can't do it?" Deepak asked.

"When did I say so? Of course, you can do it. Go ahead... then only you will get to know the truth" Aman said.

"What truth?" Deepak frowned.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"I wanted to see who gave the letter to Raizadas"

"How do you know about the letter?" Deepak asked him.

"I was the one who received the letter" Aman lied.

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah... you wanted to give it to someone other than Khushi. So, the security gave it to me. I went there to bring a file. Because of you, I didn't even go inside. I returned back with your letter. Do you know what will be your condition if ASR got to know your intention?" he asked dangerously.

"He is a big businessman... he has to face such problems in his life... especially when he lies," Deepak said with guts.

"He is always ready to face... Are you?" Aman smirked.

Deepak felt it as intimidating.

"You can go to RM. No one will do anything to you. I'm responsible for your safety... Go and tell them" Aman said.

Deepak looked at him suspiciously. How he is so confident? He should be thinking that he won't go to the Raizada mansion. What if he truly goes to the Raizada mansion? What could they do to him? He was damn sure that Khushi is not Arnav's wife and he knew they were acting. He himself heard Khushi accepting those truths. Then why should he be scared? Let them prove him wrong.

Aman stood from his seat.

"You can go... I too have work" he said.

Deepak left the place hesitatingly. Aman smirked.

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