32 Mischievous Arnav

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Part 32 Mischievous Arnav

Lavanya was in her room thinking about Khushi. Why Shyam is doing this? Poor Khushi. She got stuck in between the contact and Raizadas. Don't know what she will do after the marriage. She felt bad for Khushi. She stood hearing a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Shyam standing. Coming inside, he locked the door smilingly. Lavanya also smiled at him.

"Thank you so much, Bhai," she said gladly.

"Are you happy?"

"Very much"

"What about Aman?"

"He is very thankful to you, Bhai "

"What do you think about Arnav and Khushi's wedding?" He asked casually.

"I don't think it's necessary Bhai." She said.


"They are already married... Is it necessary to get them married again?"

"Why not? Doesn't she deserve happiness?"

"She is already happy here, Bhai"

"Oh... according to you, the happiness she is getting here is enough for her. Right?"

"Right..." she smiled.

The next second, a hard slap fell on her cheek. Lavanya was shocked to the core. She looked at Shyam touching her cheek.

"Shame on you... I hate you for what you have done... being my sister, how don't you have values?" Shyam howled.

Lavanya could not understand anything. Why did Shyam burst out all of a sudden? He agreed to the marriage. Then what's wrong with him?

"Khushi is not Arnav's wife... in fact, she is not Arnav's girlfriend... right?"

Lavanya was shocked to the core again. How does Shyam know about it?

"You are in love with Aman for more than two years. Yet, you never felt to declare your love nor did you think of honoring him. You know very well how we tortured Arnav to marry you. Yet, you were silent. I can forgive those too... but what you have done with Khushi is not a forgivable one. She is here to save your love. For your love, Arnav brought her here. She is an unmarried girl... you made her LIVE with Arnav in the same room. Don't you think about her for once at least? Doesn't she have a life? What will happen to her future if anyone gets to know that she stayed with a man without marrying him?"

Lavanya bowed down.

"Shame on you, Lavanya... you are a selfish girl... I never expect that you could be so cunning. What if Arnav misbehaved with Khushi?" Shyam sneered.

"ASR is a good guy, Bhai"

"Oh really? Do you know him to the fullest? Could you say you know ME or AMAN to the fullest?"

Lavanya gulped down.

"No one can say that... because everyone has a SECRET face. That face would be always masked. Only their close ones know that... sometimes, even their close ones could not get to know that"

Lavanya spilled tears because whatever Shyam told her is not wrong.

"Arnav loves Khushi," Shyam said and Lavanya looked at him shockingly.

"Khushi maybe acting or... she is ACTING like ACTING but not Arnav. His feelings for her are genuine. This marriage will happen... I will make it happen... no matter if Khushi is fine with that. Understand?"

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