52 Surprise Again

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Part 52 Surprise again

Though Arnav asked Khushi to wait for a day to know about the wedding arrangements Khushi couldn't be waiting without knowing the surprise. So, she waited for Arnav to come from the washroom. She stood blocking his way. Arnav lifted his brows.

"What wedding arrangements you did?"

Arnav smiled, biting his inner lip.

"Tell me Arnavji"

Arnav understood that she won't let him sleep if he didn't tell her.

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"Are you hiding anything from me?"

"What do I hide from you?" He questioned her without answering.

"That's what I don't know"

"Might be... But, it would be just to surprise you"

"That means, are you planning something?"


"Oh, God... That means, won't you tell me?"

"Certainly not... Because it won't be a surprise if I told you now itself right?"

Khushi nodded yes pouting.

"Go to sleep"

Khushi lay down on the bed. She was looking at the roof thinking about something deep.

"Don't think about my surprise and sleep"

"No Arnavji, I'm not thinking about it but something else"

"Anything may I know?"

"Who else other than you could know that?"

"Ok tell me"

"Tomorrow is our official wedding"


"Everyone will come to our wedding"

"Oh really?"

Khushi sighed.

"Why are you looking weary?" Arnav asked.

She pouted.

"Ok, ok tell me"

"My home children also will come to the wedding"

"Of course, they will come because we invited them"

"I don't know whether they have good clothes to wear or not. Many rich people will come to our wedding. Children will feel inferior as they have only old clothes to wear. I'm worried Arnavji"

"Khushi, it's 9 o'clock now. Is this the time to think about it? We have no time to do any preparations now, Khushi. You should have told me about it before itself"

"You have done much more things for my home already... I feel awkward to ask you more and more about my home Arnavji"

"We can do nothing now. This is time to be relaxed. Go to sleep"

Arnav lay down on the bed. Khushi felt bad. Arnav was right. She should have discussed it before itself. Or, at least she should have taken lead by giving money to Baba and should have asked him to provide good clothes to the children. She missed doing that. But she had hope. Baba would have taken care of the issue. He would have been thought something about it. He knew what and when to do things. She made up herself and try to sleep. After a lot of debuts, she slept.

The wedding day

RM looked extremely busy than ever before. Lavanya was rushing from her room to Khushi's room in excitement. She wanted to know what Khushi was doing.

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