47 Making Fun?

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Part 47 making fun?

Khushi wanted to talk to Lavanya. She is also in love with Aman after all. She wanted to know her point of view about Love. She saw RM start getting ready for the weddings. As it was Roka function the next day, workers were decorating RM with colorful curtains, serial lights, and flowers. Khushi stood for a while admiring the decorations. It was half-finished in fact.

Khushi rushed inside RM, searching for Lavanya. She was in her room, laughing at the phone. Seeing Khushi, she beckoned at her. As Lavanya looked cheerful, Khushi understood that she was talking with none other than Aman. She waited until she finished talking.

"What's the matter, Khushi?"

"I need your help"

"Anything for you"

"I want to let Arnavji know my love"

"Love...???? Wow... do you love ASR?" Lavanya's face showed excitement.

"Yes... I confessed him too..."

"If you had already confessed your love, ASR would have known your love already. Then what else do you want him to know?"

Khushi frowned with confusion. She didn't know how to make her understand.

"I mean..."

"What do you mean, Khushi?"

"I want to show my love to him because I don't know what is love"

Lavanya looked at her surprisingly.

"Be frank... you know where I lived... this family... love... affection... everything seems new to me. Arnavji is showing his love in many ways. I think he expects the same from me... but I don't know how to do it"

Lavanya touched her shoulder lovingly.

"Tell me one thing... According to you, what is love?" she asked.

"As we brought up in a home, getting love is very rare for us... we felt blessed if anyone cared for us... according to me, care is love, I supposed..."

"What you thought is right Khushi. care is nothing but love."

"You mean, love and care are not different?"

"Yes... if we care, we love... if we love, we care"

"How will you care for Aman Bhai?"

"I will do what he likes... I won't do what he doesn't like"

"Is this what care?"

"Of course, if we keep them happy, they will be stress-free. If they are happy and stress-free, they will be healthy..."

"Oh... do you do whatever he likes? Won't you do whatever he doesn't like?"

"Not, completely... but yes..."

Khushi was thoughtful.

"I'm happy that you are ready to accept this life..."

Khushi smiled mildly.

"By the way, what happened suddenly? You are keen to make ASR happy?"

"You are the one who helped me to learn cooking. That's why I asked for your help even though I already have an idea"

"What idea?"


"Khushi..." Lavanya sulked.

"I will tell you if the idea works" she chuckled.

"It seems, you are in full swing, Khushi" she winked.

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