51 Overwhelming Khushi

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Part 51 Overwhelming Khushi

Khushi's eyes brimmed with tears, seeing her name as a tattoo on Arnav's hand. She was not used to such emotional gestures. Being loved, being celebrated, being given importance were new to her. She could not stand such an overwhelming gesture.

The hall became noiseless. Raizadas were watching her facial expression silently. They understood her inner chaos. They let her manage herself, without disturbing her.

"I... I...am... Excuse me..." Khushi ran to their room.

Aman gestured Arnav to go to his room. Keeping the empty coffee cup on the tea table, Arnav headed to his room. He saw Khushi standing near the french door, looking at the pool water. She didn't turn towards him even after sensing his presence. She heard the door locking sound. Still, she stood not looking at him. Arnav came closer to her and turned her towards him. He saw her crying. The expression on his face changed. Taking his hand, she looked at the tattoo. She caressed her name with a shivering hand.

"I thought you would feel happy seeing your name on my hand..."

She looked at him with mixed emotions.

"You wanted me to write your name with mehndi on my palm. I didn't like doing it. Because it will disappear slowly but it won't... It will be on my hand permanently. So, you can be happier, if not happiest at least"

He wiped her cheek. In no time Khushi hugged him and cried her heart out on his cheat. Arnav said that to lighten the situation but he didn't expect, that will make Khushi more emotional.

"Khushi, stop crying..." Arnav caressed her hair.

No... She didn't.

"Don't you like your name on my hand?" He tried reverse psychology to stop her from crying.

But nope. Arnav thought deeply to stop her crying.

"Khushi, if you cry for a small tattoo, what will you do if you see my chest?" He questioned.

Khushi broke the hug jolting. She started unbuttoning his shirt and checking his chest. She didn't see anything on his chest. She sighed in relief and looked at Arnav who was smiling at her. Making a face, she again hugged him.

"Crazy girl" he hugged her smiling.

"Why are you hurting yourself?" she questioned chided him.

"Oh... Did you cry thinking about it? I thought you became emotional" he said teasingly.

"I never thought someone could do such a thing for me in my life," she said suffocating.

"I too never thought someone would cry instead of feeling happy in such a moment"

"I'm overwhelming... I can't hold my tears" she said miserably.

"Mrs Raizada, you have to get used to it. Or else, crying will be your routine" he laughed.

Khushi wiped her tears smiling.

"You should have bled while tattooing," she said feeling sad.


" I just wished to see my name on your hand on our mehndi day..." she said pouting.

"I fulfilled your wish"

"I didn't wish for this"

"Don't you like it?"

She sighed.

"You are already doing much more for me. You are making me embarrassed now by doing this"

"Feel free... Feel happy... Don't cry for silly things"

"This is not silly"

"Maybe... Yet, it's not necessary to cry. Ok? Promise me you won't cry anymore"

She nodded no.

"That's good"

"I mean I can't promise"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Can't you just do it for me?"

"What can I do Arnavji? My tears won't be in my control. It always flows out of my eyes without my permission"

"That's what you have to control"

"I will try"

"That's good" he kissed her cheek, making her smile.

"You too can kiss me" he demanded.

Without taking a second, she pressed her lips on his cheek.

Before Khushi go to bed, Arnav slept. She lay on the bed looking at Arnav. Arnav was sleeping, keeping his right hand under his cheek. Khushi's name was clearly visible to Khushi. She moved towards Arnav and kissed the tattoo. Arnav circled her neck by his left hand and pulled her close to him.

"Have not you slept yet?" she ran her fingers in his hair.

"It's aching," he said with a fake sadness.

"Didn't they give you medicine?"

"No, but they said what should be done"

"Why didn't you tell me that before? Tell me, what did they say" she tried to sit on the bed.

Pulling her on his chest,

"They said I should intimate with the person who is the owner of the name"

Khushi got stuck for a few seconds. And she pushed him. Arnav laughed.

"Is there any chance for me to intimate with the owner of the name?"

"Why are you asking me? You are the owner of the owner..." She said cupping his face.

"This owner is an evil man... He will try to own you every night... Maybe, in DAY too" he threatened her.

She punched his chest playfully.

"Go to sleep"

"Are not you going to intimate with the owner of the name?"

Arnav bit his lip.

"I badly want to... But..."

"No ifs and buts... Say yes or no"

"No for no... Only yes"

Flipping her beneath him, he started the intimacy with a wet kiss on her neck.


The next rituals were also over in a blink of an eye. Tomorrow was the wedding. Khushi was curiously waiting for the phrase.

Arnav came home late. He sat on the bed removing his coat and tie.

"It seems you are tired?" Khushi asked.

"Yeah... Just completed the final arrangement of our wedding"

"But Aman Bhai said everything was over yesterday itself"

"This is my segment of arrangements"

"Did you segregate the work accordingly?"

"Kind of..."

"Oh... What is your segment of works?"

"You will get to know that tomorrow"

"Why not now?"

"Why so urgent? Just wait for a day." He went to the washroom smiling.

Khushi stood frowning. Is he planning something? Maybe, he would have planned to make Khushi cry again.

To be continued...

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