Chapter 45: Stumble Till You Cry.

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POV-Mikey- Kat's face was totally pale, her scared eyes wide, in fear. The Draculiod stood behind her, and as fast as lightning I grabbed my gun and shot him, hitting his heart. I Ran to the side and sounded the alarm, they had found us. Kat had collapsed to the ground; she was shot in the back.

"Help!" I screamed, as Renily and Jessica ran into the room. They crowed around Kat, I was so scared,

"Kobra, Ghoul and Renily, take care of the ambush, Bandit and I will take care of Kat." Jessica ordered. She had always been a good leader in times like this. Kat was almost totally still, Bandit had to give her CPR. Good thing she was certified.

They were coming from everywhere, we then had to spit. Quickly coming back together, on the outside of the station, then I heard a her scream my name.

"Kobra!" Renily yelled, she was surrounded and her gun was out of am-o. I began shooting them off, Frank helping best he could. Renily, wasn't totally helpless, she had some defense moves, but nothing to fight off an army.

I shot the last of 'em. My hands were shaking so bad I almost missed.

"What are we gonna do with all the body's?" Frank asked.

"Drag them around back; we can put them in body bags." Bandit said, coming around the corner. She was holding a first aid kit, and water bottles.

After all the bodies were cleaned up, Bandit sat us down, one by one, working on our wounds. Even Jessica had a few.

"How's Kat? Is she going to be okay?" I asked.

Bandit smiled. "Kat's going to be fine; the shot missed all organs, just a flesh wound. Her back is gonna hurt for a few days though."

I blew out a sigh. "Well, thank God. Now what about the rest of us, Doctor Bandit, will we live?"

Bandit laughed. "Yeah, your fine, a few cuts bruises. Noting horrible, I guess were just lucky that Jess didn't get hit. Close call though. " That's when I noticed Bandit had changed clothes, and the ones she was wearing in a pile in the corner. Soaked in blood....

POV-Bandit- my side was screaming, I should have cleaned it better. As I patched up Mikey's cut up face, I followed his gaze. Oh no, he found them. I was planning on hiding them, till we burned the bodies. He grabbed my arm, lowing it, and looking me dead in the eyes.

"Bandit, what happened?" he said, sounding dead serious. The whole room fell silent, all eyes on me. I felt sick. "What are-"

"Don't play dumb, this is serious."

"I was walking back to get the things we needed for Kat, when one of them came up, out of know where, and stabbed me in the side. I was able to shoot him before he killed me completely. I cleaned it best I could, and changed. Figuring I could burn the clothes, when we burned the bodies. You all were never supposed to know."

"Not know! Bandit, you could die from infection! Have you lost your mind! Of course we needed to know!" Tears filled my eyes; I squeezed then shut to keep from crying. 'I'm sorry but...I thought..." I stuttered, my voice growing weak, I hated it when Mikey yelled at me.

"You thought what? That if you died we wouldn't notice or that we wouldn't care?"

"No. I just thought that between dad and Janelle being gone that we have had enough pain and lose. And with Kat being shot...I was just trying to spare everybody's feelings! That's all."

I failed at stopping the tears, they came down streaming. I jerked my arm away from Mikey; his grip was so hard it could have pulled my arm out of socket. Mikey opened up his mouth to speak again, but Renily stop him. "Mikey, that's enough. You made the girl cry, I think that's all you need to do." Jessica took my hand, and led me away from the fighting couple. Frank followed close behind.

POV-Janelle- Caleb and I finally made it back to our room, after exploring the whole BL/ind buildings.

"This place is huge." I said flopping on the top bunk, totally worn out.

"You get used to it, before too long it won't feel like you just ran a marathon. " There was a knock at the door; Caleb answered it before I could even lift my head.

"Move," a female voice I knew well demanded.

"Nice to see you too," Caleb replied. Within seconds, Shadow's head popped up over my mattress.

"Hello Sunshine," she greeted.

"Hey, Shadow. What going on?"

"The usual, how's it going." She said as she plopped next to me.

"Good, what about you?"

"Well, I was thinking, Demetria usually gives the new kids time to buy clothes, and decorate their rooms, so what about me and you go shopping tomorrow?'

"Sounds good, but first, I need to sleep."

She laughed a soft, sweet, warm laugh. "Sure, ill wake you up bright and early tomorrow. So be ready." Before Shadow even left, I had fallen asleep. My dream was probably one of my better ones.

(Janelle's Dream)

The room I knew almost immediately, it was the living room in the gas station. Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Bandit, Kat, Renily, and Jess were all surrounding me.

Singing 'Happy Birthday', I was officially 20.

But for some reason, I felt much older.

Bandit was so excited, she could hardly hold still. I smiled at her and she hugged me so tight, yelling, "Group hug!"

I laughed as my friends hugged me in a tight bundle, then someone tripped, and the hug quickly became a dog pile.

We laughed so hard are faces turned purple.

And I knew all I wanted for my birthday, more than anything:

I never wanted this moment to end.

At this one moment, I was truly happy.

Then, the faces began to fade, and my happy moment was over, I felt them slipping away, till everything was black.

(End Of Dream)

POV-Gerard- Finally reaching the city day break, and the BL/ind just at sunset. I rounded the building, finding the spot where we escaped last time, this spot wasn't heavily guarded, but since our first attack, it could be. I set up the first bomb there. I pulled out the map of BL/ind, searching for places I figured would be heavily guarded.

I set up the next three bombs. Then in the last bomb spot, I snuck in, already having an escape plan at mind. I found Demetrius's office fairly quickly, knowing that somewhere she would have something telling me where Janelle is. I peeked around the corner, Demetria was nowhere in sight. I quickly ran in glancing about the desk and shuffling through papers.

Then I came upon a map of bunk rooms, each room had at least one or two name written in Demetrius's hand writing. The map showed me where Janelle was bunking, in a room with a boy name Caleb Blackmoor. Hmm, hopefully Caleb wouldn't notices if Janelle wasn't around. I ran out of the office, and down three halls, the bombs were set to go off in about two minutes. I hope Janelle doesn't ask too many questions.

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