Chapter 17: Inside Better Living Industrys.

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"Better Living Industries?" Bob, Frank, and I said in unison.

We had no idea what this lady was talking about, but that wasn't what was troubling us. The problem was, we all knew very well that we have been with Bandit since she was born. So how was any of this possible?

Demetira sat, across from Bob. This table was rather long, but I still felt uncomfortable, even at this great distance.

"So what you saying is, Bandit hasnt been with us since she was born. Then how the hell do we remember her?" Frank asked.

Demetira then began to laugh.

He laugh was wicked, yet strangly innocent.

"Well its simple really. All we did, was simply implant a microchip, in your memory bank, filled with all those fake memories of Bandit. Gentelmen, Bandit's real name is not Bandit. Its Maria Isabelle. And as we speak, her real mother and boyfriend are trying to regain her actual memory." Demetria said.

My mouth fell open. I wasn't sure if I believed this women or not. I didn't want to, mainly because what shes saying is life changing news. Yet it was real hard not to want to believe her.

"Well if all your after is Bandit then, why are we here? Wouldn't telling us all this just reveal yourselves? By the looks of things, you'd rather be in the dark?" I said.

Madam Demetria glanced at me, and bit her lip slightly. Almost as the tho she was thinking about something.

"Well, Mr. Way, we brought you three here to make deal with you.Please be warned that if you reveal this organization that we hunt you down and exterminate you. Just like we had to do with poor innocent Lin-z."

She paused, and sighed, as tho she was waiting for one of us to call her out on that. However, she continued, when none of us spoke.

"You three young men were brought here by my order. We want to help you in a way no silly music career cant. We have brought up a proposal; that if you stay here with us we will grant you your deepest wish. All we ask in return is that you join us." she said, smirking wickedly.

I didn't really have time to process the question, when my thoughts were interrupted.

"What about Janelle, Gerard, and Shadow?" Frank blurted.

Madam Demetria stood in a huff and snapped her fingers.

Within the next few seconds Shadow walked through the big glass doors, followed by Lisa.

I shared mutual looks of betrayal and shock, with Frank and Bob.

"Umm, Lisa, Shadow? What the hell!" Bob said.

Shadow and Lisa both looked from us to Madam Demetria, then smiled.

"Madam, what do you think, do you think these three would fit the bill?" Lisa asked.

Demetria smiled.

"Yes Lisa, you did a very good job. As did you Shadow, mission accomplished."

She looked at us, and I caught a sign of regret flash through her eyes.

"Well, what is your answer gentlemen?"

"May we have a minute to speak this over?" I said, knowing none of us wanted this.


Madam Demetria, Shadow, and Lisa all stepped out of the room.

I stood and began pacing about. My brain was rapidly thinking

about what the hell are we gonna do.

That's when I notice the air duct.


Logan was still trying to get me to 'remember my real self' as he called it.

Honestly, the more I looked at Logan I noticed that he did look rather fimiliar. Logan reached out for me again, and this time, I took his hand.

I had no idea why, but I just felt this since of security when either Logan or Mrs. Isabella were around.

It was a strange felling yes, but I couldn't deny it.

Logan helped me off the bed and hand-in-hand, he lead me down the bright while hallway.

In a since it would look like something you would imagine in Heaven, it being all white and bright. There were several doors along the hall, one right after another. They weren't numbered either.

I opened my mouth to ask Logan where we were, but I was quickly interrupted by Mrs. Isabella walking up.

"Very good Logan you got her up and walking. Zoey dear you've got a nasty cut on your head! Come, lets go to my room and well get that fixed right on up."

Her sunshine smile amazed me, it was just so bright and happy like she didn't have a worry in the world. Mrs. Isabella lead Logan and I further down the bright hallway, to the 3rd white door from the end of the hall.

She opened it and motioned for Logan and I to step inside. Logan flashed me a smile and we stepped inside, followed by Mrs. Isabella. The room was a lot like the on I was in but much bigger.

Everything was in one giant room, except the bathroom. Kind ofnlike a hotel room set up.

Logan let go of my hand and I followed Mrs. Isabella into the bathroom. He followed as well but when we reached the bathroom he leaned up agaisnt the doorway.

I sat on the edge of the bath tub and while Mrs. Isabella get her supplies out if the medicine cabinet.

She called for Logan to bring her a cloth from under the kitchen sink, and within a second he was back, with a bright white cloth.

Of course.

Mrs. Isabella put some Hydrogen Peroxide on the cloth and began to dot the gash in my head. I felt a slight sting then I felt it begin to bubble.

It was nasty; soon the white cloth was covered in blood and green stuff. Ewe. When she finished that she patched it up with gauze and medical tape.

We walked back into the living room area and I sat on the couch. I rested my head on Logan's shoulder. Then without meaning to I fell asleep. When I woke up Mrs. Isabella was cooking something, I didn't know what it was but it smelled great.

She glanced over, seeing that I was awake she said,

"Good morning Zoey dear, are you hungry."

"Yes momma." i replied not realizing what I said till after I said it.

Why in the hell did i just call Mrs. Isabella momma?

My momma was dead.

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