Chapter 47: Lifeless Much?

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POV-Gerard (hehe )- I was stunned, I didn't know what else to do but stand there. I thought...well I didn't think, I was to stunned to think. Then there was a knock, and Bandit opened the door, I had nothing to say.

"Dad, are you okay?" she reached up and brushed my face with her thumb, she was wiping away tears, even though I had no idea I was crying. I guess Bandit must have read the look on my face because she ran out across the room and crawled out the window herself, screaming at Janelle to stop. I slowly walked out the door,

POV-Bandit- I wasn't letting her get away again. Not this time. I screamed her name, seeing her in the distance, she stopped, and I picked up my speed, she was like a second mom, and I was not allowing my family to fall apart again. I finally caught up with her, and I knew she was totally out of it.

"Janelle, where the hell are you going?" I wanted to shout, but I held it back. My side began to hurt a little, but I ignored it.

"I'm not going to go back Bandit. Not when I could hurt somebody else, not when I could end innocent lives."

"Janelle are you listening to yourself! This is nuts, you have to good a heart to destroy anyone, think of all the people your hurting by leaving, why would you make us go through that if you don't want us to get hurt?" my side was screaming along with the raise in my tone. She took a few minutes to consider what I said.

"I... I don't know. Bandit, just go back and take care of your dad. Let me go."

"Go where Janelle, there is nothing but desert. You could die out here and nobody would know! Do you really want that?" I couldn't bare the pain any longer. I collapsed to my knees screaming in sudden pain.

"Bandit...Bandit! Are you alright!?"

POV-Janelle- I picked up Bandit, she wasn't all that heavy, and carried her back to the station. I walked through the front door, crying my eyes out.

"Someone help her!" I practically screamed. Jessica, Reinly, Frank and Mikey rushed to help Bandit. I walked to Gerard's room, knowing he was in there. I was pretty angry he wasn't helping his daughter, the only one that had the right not to was Kat.

I knocked, and as I stared at the ground the door opened. There stood Poison's body, in normal clothes. But it wasn't Poison looking at me, his eyes were...empty. Almost as if he was dead inside, it sent a chill right through me.

"Thought you left?" he spoke in almost a monotone vocie.

"I was going to, but, Bandit is hurt. And you need to be a father and go help your daughter and make sure she is okay. You need to hold her and tell her everything is okay, and that this madness will end, and a bunch of other cheese shit that fathers say. Even though deep down she knows its not true, she can at least believe it for a little while."

Without another word, Poison walked pass me. I didn't care that he was angry. He should be. I staggered backwards, blinded by tears. I almost fell, until Kobra caught me by the arm.

"Whoa there, you alright Midnight?"

"I'm fine." I said coldly.

"Is this about Poison?"

"No. it has nothing to do with Poison, although, he is being kind of lifeless."

"He'll get over it, he always does. He isn't the kind of person to hold a grudge. So what is this really about?"

"Nothing, swear, I'm just a little emotional."

"You want to know what my special Killjoy ability is? Spiritual Adviser and I Spiritually advise that you need to talk to someone., because you are not okay." I laughed, but the happiness faded quickly. "All right. This has to do with my...father."

"Your father, you say? Well I suppose ii should have guess, you never talk about him."

"There are reasons for that. When I was born, he raised me till I was about 8 then he joined the army. He went missing in action. And when he returned he wasn't the same. He...he took up drinking, which I could understand. But he stop doing what he used to, like reading to me and my sister, stop helping us with homework, and all sorts of fatherly things. He finally passed away, fell down the stairs and broke his neck. I was right behind him, so everyone assumed I pushed him. I didn't, swear, but I couldn't help but wonder if it really was my fault. So when I went off on Poison it just brought back memories."

"So you really never had a father. How old where you when he returned?"

"Oh, about 11 or 12, so I still needed my father, and honestly I haven't been the same."

Before Kobra could reply, Jess came running in screaming. Frank right behind her. "Guys," he said breathlessly, "Kat is dead."

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